Broyges Tanz

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None Provided

Hebrew Lyrics

Bitzu mit mir broygez?
Veys ich nit farvos^W
Geyst arum a gantsn tog
Aropgelozt di noz.

Un efsher vilstu visn
Az ich hob dich lib?
Lomir beyde ariberform
Tsu dem gutn Yid.

Tsu a gutn Yidn
A pidyen im opgebn,
Zol er far undz Got Betn
Oyf a gut lebn

Un az mir veln kumen
Tzurik fun gutn Yid,
Veln mir beyde ariberforn
In Zelve oyfn Yarid.

Dort vel ich dir koyfn
A zeyger mit a keyt,
Un a sheyne, groyse shtik
Zaydns oyf a kleyd.

To, zy-she mer nit broyges,
Un greyt oyf gich tsum tish!
Un zets zich mit mir esn,
Bakumstu fun mir a kish!


(from the jewish-music listserv ) Here are the Yiddish lyrics to the broygez song. The music can also be found in the Lapson book along with a quadrille version of the dance (designed for folk dance enthusiasts - not the shtetl version)


Added November 2nd, 1999