Oye O'Brien



Yiddish Lyrics


Oye O'Brien Ich vell trinken a glayzele vaiyn....right now
Oye O'Brien Ich vell trinken a glayzele vaiyn....right now
Kee yayen yisamach livav enish (for wine will delight the heart of
any being)
There's no one without a blemish
There's no one without a blemish
Which nobody can deny

(to the tune of For He's a Jolly Good fellow)
Oye tzores ai ai ai
Chotch laig zich avec un schrae (might as well lie down and and
Yeshuos venichomos amen salla (deliverance and comfort amen, forever)
Adonoi is a jolly good fella (or adoshem in some circles)
Adonoi is a jolly good fella
Which nobody can deny

Oye O'Brien, ich vill gemilis chesed leyen (I want an interest free
loan)....right now
Oye O'Brien, ich vill gemilis chesed leyen (I want an interest free
loan)....right now

Al taster ponacho mimanee (turn not your face away from me)
I'm broke and I haven't a penny
I'm broke and I haven't a penny
Which nobody can deny

Oye tzores....

Oye O'Brien Ich vell chaseneh machen mein faien...right now ( I want
to marry
off my daughter)
Oye O'Brien Ich vell chaseneh machen mein faien...right now ( I want
to marry
off my daughter)

Beetee hayakoro shomortee (my precious daughter have I guarded)
She's well over forty
She's well over forty
Which nobody can deny

Oye tzores....


Learned from Sam Luginsky...sources unknown...I consider it a drinking s


Added October 26th, 2003