C. LuAnn Howe


Hebrew Lyrics

Shalom, baruch haba!
Shalom, baruch haba!
Baruch haba!
Baruch haba!
Baruch haba!

Shalom, b'rucha haba'a!
Shalom, b'rucha haba'a!
B'rucha haba'a!
B'rucha haba'a!
B'rucha haba'a!


Hello (or peace), blessed are you who comes in G-d's name!
Hello (or peace), blessed are you who comes in G-d's name!
Blessed are you who comes in G-d's name!
Blessed are you who comes in G-d's name!
Blessed are you who comes in G-d's name!

Note that the first verse is for a male, and the 2nd is for
a female.

A beautiful song of peace and blessing. If you print out these lyrics or th


Added December 31st, 2003