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Translated Songs
Yiddish Theater
Original language
Original lyrics
Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo, De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so shun-ro Ve'o-chal le-gad-yo, De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so chal-bo, Ve'no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so chut-ro, Ve-hi-koh le-chal-bo, De-no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so nu-ro, Ve-so-raf le-chut-ro, De-hi-koh le-chal-bo, De-no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so ma-yo, Ve-cho-voh le-nu-ro, De-so-raf le-chut-ro, De-hi-koh le-chal-bo, De-no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so to-ro, Ve sho-so le-ma-yo, De-cho-voh le-nu-ro, De-so-raf le-chut-ro, De-hi-koh le-chal-bo, De-no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so ha-sho-cheyt, Ve-sho-chat le-to-ro, De sho-so le-ma-yo, De-cho-voh le-nu-ro, De-so-raf le-chut-ro, De-hi-koh le-chal-bo, De-no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so mal'ach ha-mo-ves, Ve-sho-chat le-sho-cheyt, De-sho-chat le-to-ro, De sho-so le-ma-yo, De-cho-voh le-nu-ro, De-so-raf le-chut-ro, De-hi-koh le-chal-bo, De-no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey, Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo. Ve'o-so ha-Ko-dosh, ba-ruch Hu, Ve-sho-chat le-mal'ach ha-mo-ves, De-sho-chat le-sho-cheyt, De-sho-chat le-to-ro, De sho-so le-ma-yo, De-cho-voh le-nu-ro, De-so-raf le-chut-ro, De-hi-koh le-chal-bo, De-no-shach le-shun-ro, De'o-chal le-gad-yo. De-za-bin ab-ba bis-rey zu-zey. Chad gad-yo, chad gad-yo.
Translated lyrics
One little goat, one little goat, My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came a cat and ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came a dog and bit the cat, That ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came a stick and beat the dog, That bit the cat That ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came a fire and burned the stick That beat the dog That bit the cat That ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came the water and quenched the fire, That burned the stick That beat the dog That bit the cat That ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came an ox and drank the water, That quenched the fire That burned the stick That beat the dog That bit the cat That ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came a shohet and slaughtered the ox, That drank the water that quenched the fire That burned the stick that beat the dog That bit the cat that ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came the angel of death and killed the shohet, That slaughtered the ox that drank the water That quenched the fire that burned the stick That beat the dog that bit the cat That ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat. Then came the Holy One, blessed be He, And slew the angel of death, That killed the shohet that slaughtered the ox That drank the water that quenched the fire That burned the stick that beat the dog That bit the cat that ate the goat My father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat.
The clip featured here is from <a href=" Correction: Song is listed as in the Yiddish language. It is NOT Yiddish. It is a transliteration of the original language in which it appears in the Passover Haggadah, namely Aramaic (which looks like Hebrew but is not; it is related to Hebrew, as Spanish is related to Italian).
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