Dray Yinglekh
Gelbart & Goykhberg
Yiddish Lyrics
di mame hot dray yingelekh,
dray yingelekh gehat.
mit beyde royte bekelekh,
di tsarte [?].
hot eyns geheysn berele,
dos tsveyte khayim shmerele,
dos drite hot geheysn
'men zol im koyfn shikh'.
ikh hob aykh opgenart,
ikh hob gevust ir vart,
dos drite kleyne yingele,
dos drite, dos bin ikh, bin ikh.
dos drite kleyne yingele,
dos drite, dos bin ikh, bin ikh.
di mame hot dray niselekh,
fun dem yarid gebrakht.
dray gute fete niselekh,
dray niselekh, a trakht.
iz eyns geven far berele,
un eyns far khayim shmerele,
un gor dos beste nisele,
hot zi gelozt far zikh.
ir vundert zikh a bisl
far vos nit mir a nisl,
vayl nisl, nisl, nisele,
dos drite, dos bin ikh, bin ikh.
vayl nisl, nisl, nisele,
dos drite, dos bin ikh, bin ikh.
di mame hot aheymgebrakht
tsvey niselekh [...] mikh,
tsvey nislekh far di briderlekh,
un mir tsvey naye shikh.
(from Mendele): In reply to Marvin Engel's reminiscence, I can donate the following transcription of the song as recorded in the 1940s by Sarah Gorby (Melotone 293). In my notes I have the writer/composer as Zaslavsky/Gelbart & Goykhberg -- but I have no idea how accurate that is or who did what. I also have no idea how traditional these lyrics were -- Gorby was not above changing lyrics to suit her purposes.
- Got a link to this song? Add it!
Added December 16th, 1999