Kach Holchim
Y. Admon
Y. Sheinberg
Hebrew Lyrics
Kach Holchim hashotlim,
Ron balev v'et bayad,
Min hair umin hakfar,
Min ha`emek min hahar
B'Tu Tu Tu Tu, b'Tu BiShvat,
B'Tu Tu Tu Tu, b'Tu BiShvat.
Here come planters spade in hand.
See them swinging bravely by,
Little trees they bear on high.
On chamishah `asar bishvat,
On Tu Tu Tu Tu, on Tu BiShvat,
On Tu Tu Tu Tu, on Tu BiShvat.
What has brought you planters here?
We strike the rocky mountain side
Drain the marshes far and wide.
What will all your labors bring?
Trees will clothe the land so bare,
Giving shade and beauty rare.
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Added October 5th, 2000