Mir Kumen On

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Yiddish Lyrics

Mir Kumen On, mir kumen on
Mir shpanen hilkhig (?) un marshirn
Hoykh flatert unzer heler fon
Di fon fun lernen un shtudiern

Un ritsh (?) mit klap klap klapn trit in gang
Un hilkhig klingt klingt klingt klingt unser gesang
S'marshirt in rey, s'marshirt in rey
Die yunge shul, di shul armey.


In Vilne this summer, I saw a movie from a Bundist summer camp or sanatorium or some such in Yiddish with German subtitles. This was a song from that film, but I only remember the first two lines (not so hard to remember!) If anyone knows the rest, I wish you would add it! Sorele (aka Sara) This song was taught to children in Workmen's Circles Schools in the 1950's. I learned it at the Avrom Reisen Shule in Montreal, Canada.(Gloria)


Added October 21st, 2002