Morena Me Llaman

beyome chichi

Judy Frankel

Judeo-spanish Lyrics

Morena me llaman,
yo blanca naci,
de pasear, galana,
mi color pedri.

D'aquellas ventanicas,
m'arronjan flechas.
Si son de amores,
Vengan derechas.

Vestido de verde
y de alteli.
Qu'ansi dize la novia
con el chelibi.

Escalerica le hizo
de oro y de marfil.
Para que suba el novio
a dar qiddushim.

Dizime galana
si queres venir?
Los velos tengo fuetres,
non puedo yo venir.

Morena me llama,
El hijo del rey.
Si otra vez me llama
Yo me voy con el.

Morena me llaman
los marineros.
Si otra vez me llaman
yo me voy con ellos.

Morena me llaman,
yo blanca nazi.
El sol del enverano
a mi me hizo ansi.


Brunette they call me
Yet I was born fair.
From going out when a maiden,
I lost my colour.

From those windows
they throw arrows at me.
If they are love's arrows
let they come straight at me.

Dressed in green
and in red,
for thus speaks the bride
to the beloved.

A staircase she made him
of gold and ivory
so that the bridegroom can climb up
to honour her.

Tell me, maiden,
do you want to come (with me)?
My veilings are strong,
I cannot see.

Brunette I am called
By the king's son.
If he calls me again
I will go with him.

Brunette I am called
bu the sailors.
If they call me again,
I will go with them.

Brunette they call me,
yet I was born fair.
The summer sun
made me like this.

clip here from CD Morena by the Gerald Edery Ensemble This seems to be the same song as Morenika. The Hebrew version, Shecharchoret is here 2024-03-09 Corrected the English translation to match the order of the Spanish choruses :)


Added December 12th, 1999