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Hebrew Lyrics


Or ole baboker
Al adam rahok zoheret
or ani zoheret ve yahdal ve lo eshtot
or batsohoraim al haadama zoheret
al helkat hamaim ve shatim ve al kama
or yored ba erev al sedod haya zoheret
ken ani zoheret ze or yamim ze or yamai
or yored baerev shemesh
or batsohoraim shemesh
or ole baboker or


Light in the morning
on a shining person in the distance
Light...I am shining without artificial fire
Light in the afternoon on the shining earth
on the water and sailing and on a few.
Light descends in the evening on a battlefield that was
shining. Yes I am shining this light on the seas and on
the seaman. Light descends in the evening sun, in the
afternoon sun...light in the morning light.

i.v.vary nice song in deed about the sun


Added January 5th, 2000