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Yiddish Lyrics


Kh'hob gehat a mamenyu,
Hot zi mir gezogt: mein kind!
Zay nor gut un frum, un veys
Mer keyn khokhmes nit.

Regn, regn, regndl!
Kh'bin a leyner mentshele;
Kh'loz zikh mikh baregenen,
kh'veys keyn khokhmes nit.

Kh'hob gehat a tatenyu,
Hot er mir gelernt
Alef-beys oyf oysveynik
Un mer keyn khokhmes nit.

kh'hob gehat a rebenyu,
Hot er mikh oysgelernt
Sider, khumesh, rashe,
Un mer keyn khokhmes nit.

Kh'hob gehat a shadkhndl,
a voyler mentsh iz er geven,
Hot er mir gebrakht a vayb,
Vos veyst keyn khokhmes nit.


I once had a dear mother who said,
my child, just be good and pietous,
I know no greater wisdom.

Rain, little rain,
I'm just a little man,
I let myself be rained on,
and know no greater wisdom.

I once had a father
who taught me the Alphabet by heart,
a no greater wisdom.

I once had Rabbi who taught me
the bible and the Talmud,
and no greater wisdom.

Once I had a marriage broker,
a good man was he,
he got me a wife,
that has no wisdom at all!


Added May 15th, 2000