Shpil Zhe Mir a Lidele (Play Me a Song)
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dos is idish
English Lyrics
Shpil zhe mir a lidele in idish
Dervekn zol es frey un nit keyn hidesh
Az ale groys un kleyn zoln kenen es farshteyn
Fun moyl tsu moyl dos lidele zol geyn
A lidele on ziftzn un on trern
Zing azoy, az ale zoln hern.
Az ale zoln zen: ikh leb un zingen ken.
Shener un nokh beser vi geven
Shpil, shpil, klezmerl shpil.
Veyst dokh vos ikh meyn un vos ikh vil.
Shpil, shpil, shpil a nigndl far mir.
Shpil a lidele mit hartz un mit gefil.
Shpil zhe mir a lidl vegn sholem
Zol sholem zayn, a solem nit keyn kholem.
Az felker groys un kleyn zoln kene es farshteyn,
On krign, on milkhomes zikh bageyn.
Lomir zingen, slidele tzuzamen.
Vi gute fraynt, vi kinder fun eyn mamen.
Mayn eyntziher farlang, zol klingen fray un frank.
In alemens gezang mayn gezang.
Here's an alternative version of the lyrics (as sung by Sarah Gorby)
shpil zhe mir a nigndl oyf yidish,
es meg zayn misnagdish oder khasidish.
az di babenyu aleyn
zol kenen dos farshteyn
un take a tentsele geyn.
oy oy oy, shpil, shpil, klezmerl, shpil,
vi a yidish harts, mit gefil.
shpil, shpil, shpil a tentsele far mir, |bis
nor ikh bet dikh, mit neshome, mit gefil.|
shpil zhe mir a nigndl fun pleytn,
fun a folk tsuwzeytn un tsushpreytn,
az kinder groys un kleyn
zoln kenen dos farshteyn,
un take a tentsele geyn.
oy oy oy shpil, shpil, klezmerl, shpil,
vi a yidish harts, mit gefil.
shpil, shpil, shpil a tentsele far mir, |bis
nor ikh bet dikh, mit neshome, mit gefil.|
shpil zhe mir a nigndl fun sholem,
es zol nit zayn a kholem, nor a sholem,
az kinder groys un kleyn
zoln shoyn kenen dos farshteyn,
un take a tentsele geen.
oy oy oy shpil, shpil, klezmerl, shpil,
vi a yidish harts, mit gefil.
shpil, shpil, shpil a tentsele far mir,
nor ikh bet dikh, mit neshome, mit gefil.
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Added August 17th, 1999