Shpil, Klezmoremlekh

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Yiddish Lyrics

shpilt, klazmurimllakh, shpil-zhe mir a lidele,
shpil-zhe mir a lidele tsum tak, [tog]
hingerik un shleyferik un naket un burves,
In keshinu nit du ken pyetak.

de raykhe esen en zey trinken
iz bay zey de mugen shver
kenen zey nit tantzen tsum tak
nit ikh ess un nit ikh trink
iz bay mir de mugen gring
dafar ken ikh tantzen tsim tak.


Play, little musicians, play me a little song,
play a little song til dawn
I'm hungry and sleepy and naked and barefoot
And not a nickel in my pocket.
[Evidently, not completely naked]

The rich people eat and they drink,
Their stomachs are heavy.
They can't dance 'til dawn.
I don't eat and I don't drink
Therefore I can dance 'til dawn.

My mother sang it to me. She had to learn it in the 1890s in Vladimir Voly


Added August 9th, 2001