The International (Hebrew)

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Hebrew Lyrics

Kum hitna'era am cheileicha
Am avadim oomzei ra'av
Esh hanikamot halev licheicha,
Likrat oyev hikon lakrav!

Olam yashan
adei yesod nachriva,
Migav kfuf nifrok ha'ol,
Et olameinu az nakima:
Lo chlum - mitmol, machar - hakol.

Zeh yih'yeh krav acharon bemilchemet olam,
Im ha'internatsyonal yei'or, yisgav adam.


L'Internationale (The International) was a revolutionary song that emerged in connection with the development of the working class movement in late nineteenth-century France. The words are by Pottier (1871) and the music by Degeyter. L'Internationale has since come to be associated with all communist movements, and is still sung standing with fist clenched to symbolize working class solidarity. This Hebrew text can be found in a collection of songs called "Shirei echad bemai" Ed. by N. Nissimov and S. Kaplan.


Added June 23rd, 1999