Ya Ribon Olam

Rabbi Israel Najara

Rabbi Israel Najara

Aramaic Lyrics

Ya ribon olam
Ant hu malke melech malchaya
Ovad g'vurtech v'tim haya
Sh'far kodamach l'hachavaya

Sh'vachim asader tsafro v'ramsha
Lach elaha kadisha di v'ra chol nafsha
Irin kadishin uv'ney anasha
Chayot b'ra v'ofey sh'maya


O G-d who created all things
King of Kings
Thy Praises shall I recount morning and night

clip here from Fiesta Sefarad Ramon This recording is by Ramon Tasat, a cantor originally from Argentina, now at Temple Shalom in Silver Spring, Maryland.


Added January 24th, 2000