Yiddish Tango

Shmerke Kaczerginski

None Provided

Yiddish Lyrics

(lyrics here in German-style transliteration)
Schpil ssche mir a tango ojss in jidisch,
Sol doss sajn missnagdisch oder chassidisch.
As di bobele alejn sol kenen doss farschtejn
Un take a tenzele gejn.

Schpil ssche mir a tango ojss fun plejtim,
Fun dem folk zesejtn un zeschprejtn,
As kinder, grojss un klejn, soln kenen doss farschtejn
un take a tenzele gejn!

Schpil, schpil, klesmerl, schpil -
Wi a jidisch harz hot gefil,
Schpil mir a tenzele, oj schpil,
Schpil, ich bet dich, mit neschome, mit gefil.

Schpil ssche mir a tango, nor nit arisch,
Sol doss sajn nit arisch, nit barbarisch,
As di ssonim soln sen, as ich noch tanzn ken
Un take a tenzele mit bren !

Schpil ssche mir a tango ojss fun scholem,
Sol doss sajn a scholem nit kejn cholem,
As hitler mit sajn rajch oj di kapore glajch...
Oj wet doss sajn a tenzele far ajch !

Schpil, schpil, klesmerl, schpil ...


Play me a tango in Yiddish - the tango of an expelled and
scattered people - to which
grandmother can dance as well as the kids. Play me a tango
thats neither Aryan nor barbarian,
so my enemies can see that I still dance. Play me a tango
of peace, and dont let it be a dream,
let Hitler and his Reich drop dead. Oh, thatll be a dance
for you!

from Aufwind's klezmer band's page: ...this song is found in Lider fun getos un lagern, a collection made by Shmerke Kaczerginski, published in 1948 in New York City. The melody became more popular with different words and the title Shpil zhe mir a lidele in yidish.


Added December 27th, 1999