Yiddisher Tango

olaf berger

olaf berger

German Lyrics

Gedenstn jene Nacht di shayne/Gebliht, geflamt hostn main Klayne/Di
saftik nn rayne/Getsoygn host main Flaish nn Blnt

Di Oygn, di tsvay farmachte/Di Lippn, di tsvay
farshmachte/Getulyet hostn
tsn sich gnt/Geglet mit Faier/Hostn mich

Ach nem mich, Liebe/Vail yetst bin ich shoyn ingantsn
Fiber/Trink shoyn bis tsnm Sof dem Vain/Trink shtarkn sissn
vi 's is
gnt/Trink noch a bissl, a Minnt/Seh, vi's tsekocht in mir dus
Libe main

Ach kumm main Shayne/Vail daine Oygn vi Koiln shvarts/'S hot
ech nisht
kayne/Nisht gefangn main Harts/Dn bist di Shaynste/Oyf der
Velt/Trink shvartsn festen/Oh Libe main!

Vi shnel di Tsait is shoyn antloffn/A Tsvayte hot sich mir
Tsvayte hot sich mir getroffn/Nn si is oych fnn mir avek/Haint
dray ich sich
arnm in Shenkn/Faruremt nn farbengn/Fnn shiker mide fall ich
anider/In sing
dus Lid


This song can be found on Karsten Troyke's CD "Grine Blatter". Click here for more information about the CD. The following comments are from the singer's website: "It is thanks to Sara Bialas, who lives in Berlin, that we could sing the Yiddish Tango; otherwise it would have been forgotten. As a child in a concentration camp near Czestochova (Poland), she has never recovered from her experiences there. At the same time, she remembers the few pleasant moments, for example, when the Viennese operetta singer, Minna Spielmann, who was imprisoned with Sara, sang this Yiddish Shlager: "Oh, take me beloved - that was our song. Later I met another girl and she, too, left me. Today I am alone and drink strong wine in pubs.""


Added December 16th, 1999