Zing Shtil

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Yiddish Lyrics

Shot mir mayn tate nokh kindvayz gezogt:
Gut iz tsu oyfshteyn baginen;
Un ver nor a harts un an oyer farmogt
Der vet shoyn a nign gefinen.

Zing shtil, gor shtil,
Az keyner khuts undz zol nit hern,
Un zol undz farvign der hartsiker nign
Biz ayndrimlen veln di shtern,

Ikh hob mayn tatn dem klugn gefolgt,
Un zayne werter banumen;
Ikh hob oyf di felder baym feygishn folk,
Dem nign dem shenstn gefunen.


My father told me when I was a child
Its good to get up with the dawn,
And who but possesses a heart and an ear
Will surely discover a song.

Sing soft, so soft,
So you and you only can hear it,
And let the sweet melody tenderly rock us
Til the stars fall asleep in the new light.

I listened well to my fathers advice
And took his wise words to heart
I found the most beautiful melody
From the birds out in the fields

clip here from Rebbecca West's website and her album A Bisl Libe and a Bisele Glik


Added August 16th, 2000