Der Nayer Sher


Ellstein, Avrom (1907-1963)

English Lyrics

Shpilt zhe mir dem nayen sher,
vos is zroys gekmen.
Khob mikh farlibt in a ingele a sheyns
Un kon tzu im gekumen,
Zitzt er zeyer vayt.
Kvolt dokh im a kush gegebn,
Shem ikh zikh far layt.
Nisht azoy far layt.
Vi far Got aleyn.
Kvolt mit im fabrakht di tzayt
Az keyner zol nisht zen.

Shpilt zhe mir dem nayen sher,
Vos iz aroys gekumen.
Khob mikh farlibt a yingele a sheyns
Un kon tzu im nisht kumen.
Kum zhe tzu mir gikher,
Khvart oyf dir shoyn lang.
Kum zhe tzu mir gikh ariber,
M'zol nisht hern dayn gang.
Fir ikh dir in shtebele
Fun mayn mamen aleyn.
Khosn-kale veln mir zayn
Un tzu der khype geyn.


Play me the new Sher dance. I am in love with a handsome
I should like to go to him, but he is far away.
I would kiss him, but I am afraid people will start talking.
Let them talk - there is God above.
I would like to be with him, but there is always someone

Play me the new Sher dance, I've heard enough of sad tunes.
I am in love with a handsome fellow.
I want to see him.
Come to me soon, I've been waiting for you so long.
Come to me quietly, come through the window.
I shall take you straight to my mother's room,
and we will be groom and bride and celebrate our wedding.

The clip featured here is from Faye Kellerstein's CD "A feygele zingt". Click here to find out more about the CD. There is a page devoted to this song with more sample recordings here: r/der_nay.html


Added February 5th, 2020