Shabes, Shabes

None Provided

None Provided

Yiddish Lyrics

Shabes, shabes, shabes, shabes, shabes
Zol shayn yidish shabes
shabes zol zein, shabes zol zein
Shabes oyf der gantser velt

Zol shayn yidishe mames
Mames zol zayn
Shabes zol zayn
Shabes oyf der gantser velt

un vayter mit:


Sholem, sholem sholem sholem, sholem
Zol zayn brider sholem
Sholem zol zayn
Yontef zol zayn
Zeydes zol zayn
Bubes zol zayn
Tates zol zayn
Mames zol zayn
Shabes oyf der gantser velt

Alternative Version submitted by John Bryson Eulenberg:

Shabes, shabes, shabes, shabes, shabes
Zol zayn, Yiddn, shabes
shabes zol zein, shabes zol zein
Shabes oyf der gantsen velt

Zol zayn, Yiddn, mames
Mames zol zayn
Shabes zol zayn
Shabes oyf der gantsen velt

un vayter mit:

Sholem, sholem sholem sholem, sholem
Zol zayn yiddn sholem
Sholem zol zayn, Sholem zol zayn.
Sholem oyf der gantsen velt

Shabes, shabes, shabes, shabes, shabes
Zol zayn, Yiddn, shabes!
Sholem zol zayn
Yontef zol zayn
Zeydes zol zayn
Bubes zol zayn
Tates zol zayn
Mames zol zayn
Shabes oyf der gantsen velt


Translation of Alternate Version
(Submitted by John Bryson Eulenberg)

Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath!
May there be, fellow Jews, Sabbath!
May there be Sabbath, May there be Sabbath,
Sabbath throughout the world!

Mamas, mamas, mamas, mamas, mammas!
May there be, fellow Jews, mamas!
May there be mamas! May there be mamas!
Mamas throughout the world!

and further with:

Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace!
May there be, fellow Jews, peace!
May there be peace! May there be peace!
Peace throughout the world!

Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath!
May there be, fellow Jews, Sabbath!
May there be peace!
May there be holidays!
May there be grampas!
May there be grammas!
May there be papas!
May there be mamas!
May there be Sabbath!
Sabbath throughout the world!

The clip featured here is from Wolf Krakowski's CD "Transmigrations". You


Added July 26th, 1999