Shvaig kindele (a song of the Warsaw ghetto)


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English Lyrics

dort nisht vait
dort vu der umshlag platz dort shteit
dort vu men shtupt zich in der breit
in di vagonen
dort vu a kind shrait tzu der mamen
oi mame loz mich nit allein
ich vill gein mit dir tzuzamen.

shvaig kindele. shvaig shvelbele
zog nit ois az du bist a yid
vail brider shvester, tate, mamen
foren alle tzunezamen
foren alle tzum farsamen
shavig kindele, shvaig hertzele
zog nit ois az bdu bist a yid.

di poltzei
zi hot geheisen schneller gein
ir vet nit vissen fun kein noit
bakumen drai kilo broit
un mit dem broit hot men zei geshickt tzum toit
zei velln mer
nit tzurikkumen.


there, not far
there. where the umshlag square is found
where cattletrucks are filled with humankind
all victims
there, where a child cries to its mother
o mother, don't leave me alone
i want to go with you together.

shush, my little one shush, my cherished one
do not tell that you are a jew.
while brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers
are being shipped all together
shipped together to be martyred
shush, my darling child. shush, my little heart
do not tell that you are a jew.

the vile police
said you must quicken your pace
you will not know from any want
receive three kilos bread
and with that bread,
they shipped you all to martyred death
there is no more homecoming


treblinka, there
that is the jewish "place of peace"
those who arrive there don't return
stay there forever
there, where a child cries to its mother
o mother don't leave me alone
i want to go with you together


i am looking for a song that starts with zog nich keinmol. this is stup


Added June 29th, 1999