Tsu Shpet
Listed as Berman-Ward
Henry Berman
Yiddish Lyrics
Ich zitz in vein, Ich bin alein,
(I'm sitting and crying, I'm on my own)
In Ich beinkt nuch dir a gantzen tug in nach.
(And I cry for you all day and all night)
Ich zitz in kleir gur un a feir
(I'm sitting and ???)
Troirik yeide shtunde ven Ich tracht:
(Sadness ??? when I think:)
Tzi shpeit
(Too late)
Hob Ich hois gefinen.
(I ???)
Tzi shpeit
(Too late)
Iz dain libe gekimmen
(Your love came)
Main velt
(My world)
Vult geven a tracht me dir
(would have been ???)
In nisht aza troier,
(And not that sad)
S'iz ales kapoier far mir
(It's all the same to me)
Tzi shpeis flisn maine trern
(Tooo late my tears are running)
Ich veis dus Ich hob shoin farloirn
(I know that I have ??? already)
Main hartz
(My heart)
Hat tzibrochen in beint:
(Has broken ang beg:)
'Zai azoi git zug mir s'iz nit, nit tzi shpeit'
('Would you be so kind to tell me it's not too late')
(Here she goes on with a real tough piece of speaking I can barely
Henry Berman's Translation:
Too late did my heart discover
Too late that we loved one-another
My life might have been so bright and gay
And not so downhearted because we parted that day
Too late have I learned to miss you
My lips keep on longing to kiss you
Come back, in your love lies my fate
Forever I'll wait, just tell me it's not too late!
Written in 1939. Exactly who wrote the music, is still unclear. Berman's daughter, Lucille, claims Nicky Grabowski, a pianist who worked at Moskowitz and Lupowitz with Berman, wrote the tune. It may have been composed "by ear" by Berman/Grabowski and then transcribed/arranged by Samuel Windish (professional name, Sam Ward). This song was also covered by the Barry Sisters and was, as far as I know the only commercially realeased song by Henry Berman (1945).
Added December 11th, 1999