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Yiddish Lyrics

Oifn oivn zitst a meydle
Un zi heft a zaydn kleydl.
Tumba...Iz a bocher ongefloygn,
Un hot dem fodem opgetsoygn.
Ay du bocher, ay du fayer!
S'vet dich kostn zeyer tayer.
Nit mit shtrik vel ich dich penten
Nor mit mayne vayse hentlech!
Ch'vel nit fregn dich funvanen-
Ch'vel nit oplozn fundanen
Ch'vel dich haldzn, ch'vel dich libn.
Iz der bocher dort farblibn.
Oifn oivn zitsn tsveyen-
Nit zey heftn, nit zey neyen.


On the oven sits a young girl
Embroidering a little satin dress.
A young lad comes flying in
And pulls out the thread.
Oh, you rascal, you firebrand.
This will cost you dearly.
I won't tie you with rope
But only with my white hands.
I won't ask you where you're from
But I won't let you out of here!
I will hold you, I will love you.
And so the lad remained.
On the oven, two are sitting
Neither embroidering or sewing.

This song is also known under the name "Oyfn Oyvn Zitst A Meydl" <p>The


Added June 18th, 1999