Yiddish Theater

Dos keshenever shtikele Yiddish Well, I sing in a Jewish folk Ensemble, here in Israel, and we just happen to have that song in our repertoire so I wanted to be nice and write the lyrics, but when I started doing it, I forgot the last chorus, since I don't actually sing it... oh well then:)
Gelt, Wie Schlecht Es Is Ohn Gelt David Meyerowitz David Meyerowitz English This song was introduced by Esther Fields (Die Yiddishe Mame)at the Nati
If I Were A Rich Man Jerry Bock if I were a rich man English A sheynen danke for these lyrics. I have cleaned up the yiddish and corrected some words. This should be pretty accurate now. yiddish@lycos.co.uk
Moyshe halt zikh Yiddish Found in 'Ghetto Tango - Wartime Yiddish Theatre' Arber Koci
Wus Geven Is Geven Un Nitu David Meyerowitz David Meyerowitz Yiddish Sung by Sophie Tucker
a bocher libt a meydl Yiddish i found out the music is some kind of a polka. i like all happy yiddish son
a kleyne meydele klapt in teer... Yiddish a busy girl wants her mother to open the door for her. in some versions she