A Bisl Libe, Un a Bisele Glik
Joseph Rumshinsky
Molly Picon
Yiddish Lyrics
Ven ikh bin geven a kind
Gedenk ikh punkt vi atsind
Geven iz mir damolst gut
Gevust hob ikh dan fun kayn zorg nit
Ven ikh bin gevorn groys,
Ikh bin in der velt aroys.
Gezen vi mentshn zey zaynen farshtelt,
Gevorn iz mir fintster mayn velt.
A bisl libe un a bisele glik,
Di zun zol shaynen
Nor oyf eyn oygnblik
Ven ikh zol kenen in mayn harts
Araynbrengen zonenshayn
oyf eyn minit
A bisl libe un a bisele glik
Di zun zol shaynen
Nor oyf eyn oygnblik
Der liber Got hot yedn gegebn
Azoy fil glik in lebn
Nor mir keyn zakh nit.
When I was a little child,
I still can recall the time,
Ah, those were the good old days.
I knew not a care nor a worry.
When I was at last full grown
I wandered the world around
Seeing how people are hollow and false,
My world was a darker place.
A little love, and just a little bit of luck,
The sun shall shine
Just a little bit
When in my heart the rain is
Falling down,
Bring the sun around a minute, please.
A little love, and just a little bit of luck,
The sun shall shine
just a little bit
To every one our dear lord has given
A bit of luck in living,
Don't deny me mine.
clip here from Rebecca West's <a href=http://www.west.net/~rbecwave/ABislL
Added August 16th, 2000