Diziocho anos


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English Lyrics

kaminando por la plaza
encontri' una mujer
sus cavellos rubios
su gracia era de ver

por ti' mi linda dama
dare' mi vida entera
por ti' mi corazon
me se dezespera
No se' lo que hare'
No se' lo que dire'

Toda su bella talla
me hizo namorar
mi corazon batia
por no poder havlar

Por ti' mi linda dama...

Diziocho anos tengo
en la flor de mi mancevez
me quemates en un fuego
por la primera vez.

por ti' mi linda dama....

Yo te amo a ti' sola
y a ti' te alcanzare'
dame una parola
sino me matare'


Walking in the square I met a lady...her blond hair was a
beauty to admire
For you my sweet lady I would give all my life..for you my
heart is desperate..I don't know what I would do..I don't
know what I would say
All her aspect made me fall in love...my heart beat because
it couldn't speak..
I'm 18 years old..flower of my youth...You burnt me in a
fire for the first time..
I love only you..I will reach you...Give me a word or I
will kill myself

A Sephardic Song from Thessaloniki (Greece)..recollected by Liliana Treves Alcalay


Added August 20th, 2000