Echad Mi Yodea

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English Lyrics

E-chod mee yo-dey-a?
E-chod anee yo-dey-a.
E-chod Elohey-nu She-ba-sho-ma-yeem u-vo-o-rets

Sh'nayeem mee yo-dey-a?
Sh'nayeem anee yo-dey-a. Sh'ney lu-chos ha-b'ris,
E-chod Ele-hey-nu She-ba-sho-ma-yeem u-vo-o-rets

Sh'lo-sho mee yo-dey-a?
Sh'lo-sho anee yo-dey-a.
Sh'lo-sho ha avot
Sh'ney lu-chos ha-b'ris,
E-chod Elo-hey-nu
She-ba-sho-ma-yeem u-vo-o-rets

Ar-ba mee yo-dey-a?
Ar-ba anee yo-dey-a.
Ar-ba ha yimaot,
Sh'lo-sho ha avot
Sh'ney lu-chos ha-b'ris,
E-chod Elo-hey-nu
She-ba-sho-ma-yeem u-vo-o-rets

Chamisha, mi iodea?
Chamisha, ani iodea
Chamisha chumshei torah
Arba ha yimaot
Shlosha ha avot
shnei luchot habrit
echad eloheinu
She-ba-sha-ma-yim u-va-a-retz

Shisha, mi yodea?
Shisha, ani yodea
Shisha, sidre mishna
Chamisha chumshe torah
Arbaa imaot
Shlosha avot
Shnei luchot habrit
Echad eloheinu
She-ba-sha-ma-yim u-va-a-retz


(from jewish-music email list - The Jewish National and University Library (JNUL) is proud to announce the accessibility of a small sample of digitized music from its National Sound Archives: the Passover song "Echad mi yode'a" as sung in a variety of different Jewish communities and languages. Twelve variations of the song are described, and can be downloaded in MP3 format at: THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .


Added June 18th, 1999