Esta montanya de enfrente



Judeo-spanish Lyrics

Esta montanya de enfrente
se aciende y va quemando
alli pedri al mi amor
M'asento y vo llorando.
Arvolico de menekshe
Yo lo ensembri' en mi huerta
Yo la creci' y lo engrandeci'
Otros te estan gozando.
Secretos quero descuvrir
secretos de mi vida
El cielo quero por papel
La mar quero por tinta.
Los arvoles por pendola
para escrivir mis males
No hay quien sepa mi dolor
Ni ajenos ni parientes.


This mountain in front is on fire and burning. There I
sought my love: I sit down and weep.
Flowering tree that I keep in my garden
that I grew and nurtured
others now enjoy you.
I would discover secrets
secrets of my life
i would have the sky for paper
The sea I would have for ink.
the trees for pen
to write of my ills.
No-one knows of my sorrow.
neither stragers nor kin.

A sad love-song. To listen to a clip connect with jpc, search for " sephar* ", and click details of Spanien - Songs of the Sephardim


Added August 29th, 2000