Mu asapru (What Shall I Say)



Yiddish Lyrics

Mu asapru mu adabru oyscho, oyscho, yam-ti-di-day-dam?
Ver ken zogn, ver ken redn
Vos di eyns batayt?

Eyner iz Got, un Got iz eyner
Un vayter keyner.

....vos di tsvey batayt?
Tsvey zenen di liches,
Un eyner iz doch Got,Un Got is eyner...

....vos di dray batayt?
Dray zenen di oves,
Tsvey zenen...

....vos di fir batayt?
Fir zenen di imes.
Dray zenen...

....vos di finef bayayt?
Finef zenen di chamushim.
Fir zenen...

....vos di zeks batayt?
Zeks zenen di mishnayes.
Finef zenen...

....vos di zibn batayt?
Zibn zenen di vochenteyg.
Zeks zenen...


How shall I tell, how shall I say,
Who can know, who can tell the meaning of One--
One is God, He is One, and none else

.....the meaning of two--
Two are the Tablets of the Law,
One is God.....

.....the meaning of three--
Three are our Patriarchs,
Two the Tablets.....

.....the meaning of four--
Four were the Matriarchs,
Three are our Patriarchs.....

.....the meaning of five--
Five are the five books of Moses,
Four were the Matriarchs.....

.....the meaning of six--
Six are the six books of Mishna,
Five are the five.....

.....the meaning of seven--
Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the six books of Mishna,
Five are the five books of Moses,
Four were the Matriarchs,
Three are our Patriarchs,
Two are the Tablets of the Law,
One is God, He is One, and none else

Theodore Bikel sings this song on one of his old, old Yiddish Folk Song records


Added June 18th, 1999