Raisins & almonds

Goldfaden, Abraham


English Lyrics

Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen

In dem beis hamikdosh, in a vinkl cheider
Zitzt di almoneh,bas tzion alein
Ihr ben yochidl yidelen viegt zi keseder
Zingt ihm tzum shlofn a liedele shein.

Unter yideles viegele,
Shteit a klor vaise tzigele
Dos tzigele iz gefohren handlen
Dos vet zain dain beruf
Rozhinkes mit mandlen
Shlof-zshe yideleh shlof


Under little ones cradle in the night,came a new little
goat snowy white.
The goat will go to the market,and Mother her watch will
He'll bring you back raisins And almonds.
So sleep my little one,sleep.

My mothers' mother sang it to her-she taught and sang it to me-Isang it


Added July 30th, 2000