Tog Eyns Tog Oys
J. Bock
S. Harnick
Yiddish Lyrics
Is dos dos mejdele dos klejne,
is dos dos ingele vos h4se
Grojse asoj shojn ojsgewaksn
zajnen sej.
Wen is si shejn asoj geworn
wer is er ojsgewaksn grojs
nechtn geshpilt zich wi di kinder
in majn hojs.
Tog ajn, tog ijs, asoj is unds bashert
Lojn di jorn nochanander
trogn sej frejdn un a trer.
Sol ich mit ejzes sej bazorgn
wen ich wolt wisn sej alejn
se nor wi gliklech is dos porl
ful mit hejn.
Gib G4t a lebn sej in frejdn
punkt wi der himl rejn un klor
soln sich kejnmol nit zeshejdn
hundert jor.
Is this the little girl
is this the little boy
they are so big and so
grown up.
How beatiful she has become
how big he is now.
Yesterday they played like children
in my house.
One day after the other this is our life
Years are passing by
Carrying joy and sorrow.
Should I give ghem advice
if i only knew.
Look how happy the couple is
full of charm.
G4d give them a life in peace
so clear and pure as heaven
let them never argue
even in one hundred years.
This is Sunrise Sunset in Yiddish
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Added May 13th, 2001