
Avrid me, galanica Judeo-spanish In some Sephardic communities a wedding could take up to seven days. The
Cuando veo hija hermosa Traditional Traditional Judeo-spanish This song can be found in Adolfo Osta's CD _Avedivare_ (lit. "To bring back to life"): http://www.ventilador-;=ART
Di Mizinke Oysgebebn (I Gave away My Youngest Daughter) Warshavsky, Mark M. (1840-1907) Warshavsky, Mark M. (1840-1907) English Martha Schlamme had a wonderful version of this on record back in the 50's and 60's. Also many other traditional Yiddish songs. Is she still around? Unfortunately she died about 15 years ago. Vanguard Records (or whoever owns it now, in whatever incarnation) has just begun to reissue her material on CD and two are available (try CDNOW or WBAI Radio in New York produced an excellent documentary shortly after her death. Perhaps it still exists on tape in their archives?
Dize la nuestra novia prieto, antonio Judeo-spanish PLEASE HAVE THE WHOLE SONG TRANSLATED, SO MORE PEOPLE IN THE GROUP CAN UNDERSTAND IT. THANKS. ([email protected]) This favorite wedding song is often sung in cumulative form. The bride asks for various parts of her body, and the answers are whimsically lyrical: her hair is spun silk, her eyes deepest mirrors, ... , her breasts two lemons. Other versions continue unabashedly downwards. The lyrics are from the booklet to a CD by Jaquin Diaz I have tried to translate the other verses, the sixth is lacking([email protected]) This favorite wedding song is often sung in cumulative form. The bride asks
Dray Tekhterlekh Mordechai Gebirtig Mordechai Gebirtig Yiddish Finally, a father gives away his third daughter in marriage -- and yet now he is thoughtful and sad.
Et Dodim Kala (Song of Songs) Traditional Hebrew The Song of Songs provides the text for the melody that is said to be Babylonian in origin. (from Israel in Song) Clip here from Deborah Zimmerman's CD Jewish Soul
Iz Gekumen Der Feter Nussen Yiddish Khossen (groom), bobe (grandmother), makhatonim (in-laws) and kaleh (bride) should not be taken for person names, such as Nossen (Nathan), Krayneh or Maleh. "Kaleh" or "Maleh" sounds better than "kale" or "Male", which are quite confusing. I think "aunt" to be "mumeh", not "tante". As a matter of fact, I'd rather pronounce it "mimeh", as it used to be in Poland (the same for "gekimen")
La madre de esta novia Judeo-spanish A Sephardic Moroccan wedding song
Mechutonim geyen Yiddish
Mekhuteneste Mayne M. Varshavsky Unknown Yiddish Half-joking and half-begging, a mother who is giving away a bride wants her daughter to be treated well in the in-laws' home. The sound clip featured below (in .wav format) is from the Klezmer Conservatory Band's site, from their album "A Jumpin' Night in Gan Eden". One of several "folksy" songs written by a prolific Kiev composer/songwriter Mark Varshavsky
Mekhutonim Geyn Yiddish
No la puso su madre Traditional Traditional Judeo-spanish This is a Sephardic Moroccan bride song from Tangiers. There is a hidden deeper religious meaning behind the text.It is about a bride who has nothing but her beauty and loveliness. She should not be given away for money..only for true love. But the bride in this song is also the Shabbath. This wedding song is related to the Marocian custom to hang coins at the bride's cloth.
Novia de la cara blanca Traditional Traditional Judeo-spanish A wedding song from Morocco
Od Yishama Jim Jones Milton Okun Hebrew Song made into folksong by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach around 1960's. Part of his first album. The source for the lyrics is from the Sheva Brachot/Seven Blessing under the wedding Canopy. Also, see Jeremiah 33:10,11
Poco le das, la mi consuegra (El regateo de las consugras - Las prendas del ajuar) Judeo-spanish On one day during the wedding ceremony the dowry is shown to the bridgegroo
Sacred Moment Bella Bogart Bella Bogart/Debbie Hafetz German This song was written for the wedding of Mitch feld & Alice reiter Feld in June of 1996, and has been performed at dozens of weddings since. It was recorded by the composers Bella Bogart & Debbie Hafetz (Lev Orah) on their first CD. "100 Blessings" which is available through Tara, Soundswrite or by contacting [email protected]
Scalerica D'oro Ladino folksong Judeo-spanish Clip featured here is from the recording <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.c
Siman Tov From The Bible Hebrew
Tog Eyns Tog Oys J. Bock S. Harnick Yiddish This is Sunrise Sunset in Yiddish
Una Noche Al Borde De La Mar Judeo-spanish I know this song with the title "Falso amor". I heard it in a CD..sung by Loretta Dora Gerassi (Bulgaria-Israel) "Inedit..Chants judeo-espagnoles de la Mediterranee orientale.. Maison des Cultures du monde 101 BD Raspal 75006 PARIS-FRANCE
Volt Ikh Zayn A Feygele Eli Rubinstein Z. Schneir Yiddish This song was part of the production "A Shtetl Wedding/A Khasene in Shtetl" of Montreal's Yiddish Theatre.
boire oilom bekinyon folk traditional Hebrew Sung at weddings and sheva brachot in the Hungarian hassidic circles of Je