Umru Mayne

Yitskhok Yanasovitsh

Moyshe Leyb Halpern

Yiddish Lyrics

Umru Mayne

Ver ken di sheynkeit fun a yam farsteyn?
Ver ken di shayn fun dayne oygn zen?
Un nit tserin vern zol zayn harts far freyd,
Un nit tserisn vern zol zayn harts far leyd -
Du umru mayne, du.

Far vos benk ikh azoy nokh dir, o zog.
Es geyt dokh nit avek a nakht, a tog.
Un nor ikh trakht fun dir, un nor ikh troym fun dir,
Fun dir, fun dir, du lebn mayns, du harts in mir.
Du, umru mayne, du.


Who could fathom the beauty of the sea, who could look at
the luster of your eyes and not have his heart torn from
joy and grief? You, my unrest, you...
For what do I yearn like this for you, O tell me, it does
not dissapear neither by day nor night, and still I think
of you, and still I dream of you, you heart within me, you,
my unrest, you!


Added May 15th, 2000