Yome, Yome



Spanish Lyrics

Yome, Yome, shpil mir a lidele,
Vos dos meydele vil.
-Dos meydele vil a por shikhelekh hobn
-Muz men geyn dem shuster zogn
-Neyn, mameshi, neyn,
Du konst mikh nisht farshteyn,
Du veyst nisht vos ikh meyn.

Yome, Yome, shpil mir a lidele,
Vos dos meydele vil.
-Dos meydele vil a kleydele hobn.
-Muz men geyn dem shnayder zogn.
-Neyn, mameshi neyn.
Du konst mikh nisht farshteyn.
Du veyst nisht, vos ikh meyn.

Yome Yome shpil mir a lidele
Vos dos meydele vil
-Dos meydele vil a por ringelekh hobn,
-Muz men geyn dem goldshmit zogn.
-Neyn, mameshi, neyn,
Du konst mikh nisht farshteyn,
Du veyst nisht, vos ikh meyn.

Yome, Yome, shpil mir a lidele
Vos dos meydele vil.
-Dos meydele vil a khosndl hobn.
-Muz men geyn dem shadkhn zogn.
-Yo, mameshi, Yo
Du kont mikh shoyn farshteyn
Du veyst shoyn, vos ikh meyn!


Yome, Yome, sing me a song of
What the little girl wants;
the girl wants a pair of shoes
So we have to go the shoemaker!

No, Mama, no!
You don't understand me,
You don't know what I want

Yome, Yome, sing me a song of
what the litle girl wants
The girl wants a hat
So we have to go to the milliner!

No, Mama, no...etc

Yome, Yome, sing me a song of
what the little girl wants
The girl wants a groom
So we have to go to the matchmaker!

Yes, Mama, Yes!
At last you understand me,
At last you know what I mean.

A playful song about a daughter who only wants one thing, that her mother


Added May 4th, 1999