
A Chazandl Oyf Shabes Traditional Traditional Yiddish A great humorous song about men who are married to their work. Cantor Seymour Rockoff, currently in Harrisburg PA has recorded a more modern version of the song-- still in Yiddish-- featuring a radiologist, a dentist,and an 'entertainer' as the congregants.
A Din Toire Mit Got (A Judgement of God) Rev Levi Yitskhok Rev Levi Yitskhok Yiddish Also known as Kaddish Of Levi Yitskhok There's another verse, which ends with "yisgadal and yisbarach shemo raba" I believe there's a Jan Peerce recording which includes that.
A Dudele Reb Levi Yitskhok Reb Levi Yitskhok Yiddish THIS IS THE NEVEL/RUSSIA VERSION link to hear the song + an explanation: http://www.ubu.com/ethno/soundings/nigun.html
A Glezele Lekhayim Traditional B. Bergholz Yiddish
A Pintale Trad Theodore Bikel Yiddish Right Chassidic Dynasty - Wrong Rebbe. The song refers to the first Chabad Rebbe - Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. The surname Schneerson was not used until Rabbi Shneur Zalman's Grandson - The Tzemach Tzedek, and by that time they lived in Lubavitch.
A Yiddish Meydl Darf a Yidishn Boy Alexander Olshanetsky Jacob Jacobs Yiddish I beleive that the first line ends with yingl, and not "boy." I am from New York (just returned from a visit there) but live in Israel now. It might be of interest to you that a large group of people meet here in Haifa, about six times a year, every other month, and with a musical accompaniment sing Yiddish songs, many of which, I, who used to listen with my parents to WEVD radio, never heard of. Unfortunately I haven't seen anyone under 40 there. I insisted that both my daughters take a course in Yiddish (given at that time at Queens college in NYC. A Yiddish actress (Miriam Kressen) gave the course, but it didn't help. I believe they still understand Yiddish to some extent; my parents spoke only Yiddish. The way things are going it is a terrible loss, but probably inevitable.As you may know, in the States many of the instructors in colleges that offer Yiddish are not Jews. theI believe that the first line ends with yingl, and not "boy." I am fr
A Yor Nokh Mayn Khassene Rheingold Yiddish
A Zemerl - Lomir Ale Zingen Traditional Traditional Yiddish 15th December, 2001 We changed beigele to dare shkorinke (dry crust).
A vaybele a tsnie bagelman sisters Isidor Lillian Yiddish The Bagelman Sisters have recorded this in early 40-ies, I believe 1942 wi
A yor nokh mayn khasene Isaac Reingold Isaac Reingold Yiddish here's a page with more info about this song: ht tp://www.stolaf.edu/people/hend/songs/YorNokh.html
Abenamar Spanish This version tells of the Arabian prince Abenamar and of king Juan II of Castille. The romance was originally sung in Arabic.
Abi Gezunt Abraham Ellstein Molly Picon Yiddish Verse 1 A bisl zun, a bisl regn A ruik ort dem kop tsu leygn Abi gezunt k
Adesa mame reinhold Gliere Peysekhe Burstein Russian This song is anthologized on the LP "Masterworks of the Yiddish Theatre, Vol 1" (Greater Recording Co. GRC 64[1965]). Aaron Lebedeff recorded a different song with the same name.
Adon Olam adon olam English This is a poem most often attributed to Rabbi Shlomo ibn Gabirol, the great poet of 11th-Century Spain. These words have probably been sung to thousands different melodies. Here's an amusing web page that lists the surprising range of songs these lyrics could fit: http://www.rahul.net /figmo/Olamni/.
Al Deredor De La Mi Cama Judeo-spanish Bar none this is the song that epitomizes hopelessness. And it has the pathos of an Almodovar movie too, which proves to show how modern some of these ladino texts are. Category 'Songs of despair'? TRANSLATION OF SECOND VERSE: They made a white robe for me, but I depart without using it ('estrenar' means 'to use something for the first time')
Al Tir'uni Hebrew (from <a href=http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~ira/sb/fd.pdf>MIT folk dance c
Al kol eyle Naomi Shemer Naomi Shemer Hebrew
Ale Mentshn Zaynen Brider (Hymn to Joy - 9th Symphony) English
Amerike (America - My Country 'Tis of Thee) Samuel Francis Smith (English) English The Yiddish version of the American song "My Country 'Tis of Thee"
Amerike di Prekhtike (America the Beautiful) Katherine Lee Beyts (in English) English
An Emeseh Ayshes Chayil as sung by Barry Sisters Yiddish This song may be heard on two compilation of the Barry Sisters: "The Barry Sisters: Their Greatest Yiddish Hits", Legacy International Records; "The Barry Sisters", Banner Records. Anyone have a translation?
Anatevka (from Fiddler on the Roof) Bock tog ayn tog oys French
And Thou Shalt Love Debbie Friedman Liturgy English Produced by Sounds Write Productions, Inc. http://www.soundswrite.com/swdfrecord.html#del and http://www.soundswrite.com/swdfrecord.html#sing clip here from Debbie Friedman's Live at the Del Friedman
And the Youth Shall See Visions Debbie Friedman Text: Based on Gen. 12:1-2 English clip from Debbie Friedman's recording <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.com/
Ani VeAta Arik Einstein & Micki Gavrielov Hebrew Me and you, we will change the world, Me and you, then all will follow. Others have already said it, before me, never mind. Me and you, we will change the world. Me and you, we will change from the start. It will be hard. Never mind, it's not that bad. Others have said before, but that does not matter Me and you, we will change the world. I and you, we will change the world, I and you, then all will readily follo
At Khaki li (Wait for Me) A. Shlonski K. Simonov Russian See alternate entry for a more accurate transliteration. This is the Hebrew version of the Russian song "Zhdi menya i ya vernus'" (Wait for me, and I'll come back.) Clip featured here from a 11-CD set of Hebrew songs "We Grew Up Together"
Avreml Der Marvikher Mordecai Gebirtig Mordecai Gebirtig English
Az Der Rebbe Yiddish Frequently mistaken today for a Chassidic song, this originated as a Misnaggdishe song, mocking Chassidim for following rebbes without thinking for themselves. As the controversy died down, the original meaning of the song was lost, and the popular tune took on the opposite of its original meaning. Peter Stark, 4/10/2002 Whatever the rabbi does - the khasidim follow him -- except when he talks, which is when they stifle their mimicry and absorb his wisdom. A nice twist in the last verse. This is a great, joyous song, one of my favorites.
Az der Rebe Elimelekh Nadir, Moyshe (1885-1943) Nadir, Moyshe (1885-1943) Yiddish See what happens when a rabbi gets drunk?! <p>Here is the last verse of
Basarabye (Bessarabia) Bella Gottesman Bella Gottesman Yiddish clip here from <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.com/cgi- bin/SoftCart.exe/kz
Be Bukhara (In Bukhara ) Bukharian Tune Chaim Chefer Hebrew Satiric song criticizing the justice and cleverness of the Emir of Bukhar. NOTE: All the following from the liner notes of FOLKWAYS RECORDS Album No. FW 8735, S 1958 - Geula Gill and Dov Seltzer. Transliteration key: "kh" = khaf "ch" = chet "tz" = tsade ' (apostrophe) = 'ayin THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . .
Beautiful That Way Piovani israel Hebrew This is a great song from "wonderful life" film preformed by Noa, one of I
Beltz, Mayn Shtetele Beltz Olshanetsky, Alexander (1892-1946) Jacobs, Jacob (1892-1972) Yiddish One of the all-time favorites. Looking back at our little hometowns...
Bendigamos shraga fortuna Ladino clip here from <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.com/cgi- bin/SoftCart.exe/
Bilvovi Shmuel Brazil Liturgy English
Brider, mir hobn geshlosn Chaim Aleksandrov Yiddish Sung by Jewish soldiers of the "Brigadas internacionales" during the Spani
Broyges Tanz Hebrew (from the jewish-music listserv ) Here are the Yiddish lyrics to the broygez song. The music can also be found in the Lapson book along with a quadrille version of the dance (designed for folk dance enthusiasts - not the shtetl version)
Bublichki/Beygelach klesmorim Yiddish more on this song (in russian) at <a href=http://www.jpost.ru/music/barry_
Cancion Sefardi Traditional Rony Micro Band Judeo-spanish
Chiribim Chiribom herschel bernrdi Yiddish clip here is a great rendition of this song by the <a href="http://www.jew
Como La Rosa En La Guerta Judeo-spanish
David Melech Israel Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . .
Dem Ganef4s Yikhes - Far Vos Du Ketsele Broyges Yiddish 'KETZELE BAROIGES' This song is one of my favorites with the Barry Sisttrs
Der Filosof Zbarzher, Velvl (1826?-1883) Zbarzher, Velvl (1826?-1883) Yiddish A humbling song - whatever the man has made or invented, the rabbi can do better! According to a different interpretation (probably the correct one), this song actually is an harsh satire on the hassidim blind following of their rabbi. The clip featured here is from Bente Kahan's CD "Yiddishkayt". Click here to find out more about the recording.
Der International elvis crespo suavemente English The Yiddish version of the International, the Communist anthem. (from Mendele, February 12): In reply to Ron Kuzar's questions (Mendele 09.056), here are a few answers gleaned from examining the sheet music, published by Metro Music in New York. The original copyright in 1912 was by Joseph P. Katz, and was assigned in 1927 to Henry Lefkowitch. The sheet music attributes the music and arrangement to Eugene Potter and Max Persin, respectively. The English version is by Charles H. Kerr. The yiddish version, not precisely a translation, is given, but no mention is made of the author. The covers are printed in red, and the catalogue of music on the back cover is printed in Russian. Mint copies of the sheet music are available from the National Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Mass. L'Internationale (The International) was a revolutionary song that emerged in connection with the development of the working class movement in late nineteenth-century France. The words are by Pottier (1871) and the music by Degeyter. L'Internationale has since come to be associated with all communist movements, and is still sung standing with fist clenched to symbolize working class solidarity.
Der Rebe Tut Vunder Yiddish
Der hoyfzinger fun varshever geto Reuven Lifshutz ( 1918-1975 ) Reuven Lifshutz ( 1918-1975 ) Yiddish eti hurl labogain qual mit goodken hasuen euch goofdt drier footgot
Der shir hashirim fun Mendl Pumshtok English from http://savethemusic.com/yiddish/kumzitz/question002.html : It appears in a paper by Ruth R. Wisse entitled "Language as Fate: Reflections on Jewish Literature in America", a paper published in the 1996 Studies in Contemporary Jewry (Vol. 12), pages 129- 147, Oxford University Press. The volume is subtitled Literary Strategies: Jewish Texts and Contexts. Ruth Wisse (b'sheim omro) says that she got these lines from Lucy Dawidowicz, who got them from Chaim Raphael, who got them from Daniel Bell. Alas, I could not find the original in any of SaulBellow's papers on deposit at the University of Chicago library. Bellow assisted Isaac Rosenfeld in its composition, and I could not find the original in any of Rosenfeld's books. Thus this is, as Ruth Wisse says, an oral tradition that she finally recorded on paper.
Di Ban (The Train) Yiddish
Di Blum Eliakum Tsunzer Yiddish Eliakum Zunser, was felt by many to have been the greatest Badkhan of all time, was a prolific writer and entertainer. He and his little brother were both Cantonists (Cantonists were drafted for 25 years into the Czar's army). When Czar Alexander abolished the 25 year conscriptions of Jews in 1860, abolished serfdom, and lifted residence restrictions, many Russian Jews had great hope for a better future (unfortunately Alexander would disappoint them in that hope within 2 years). Zunser wrote this song in which the Jewish people are characterized as a wilting flower on the road and Czar Alexander as an angel who rescued the poor flower. Zunser was a member of the Narodne Volye movement, a group containing many Jewish slavophiles including Eliezer Ben Yehuda. My grandmother, Sarah Kayleh Benjamin, a native of Streshin, Belarus used to sing this song, and recalled it as having been quite popular among Russian Jews at the turn of the century.
Di Gatnse Velt Iz a Teater English
Di Grine Kuzine Schwartz, Abe Leyzerovits, Yakov (1893-1965) Yiddish I'VE ADDED A FEW VERSES FROM THE VERSION I WAS TAUGHT, MANY DECADES AGO. MY EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE DENOTED BY THE SYMBOL ** ----- ** The same modifications could (should?) be applied to the other two versions in your remarkable Zemerl catalogue. Sholom Pearlman ShoPea@msn,com 9/20/02 1. My cousin came to me, she was as beautiful as gold, the greenhorn. Wi
Di Zukunft (The Future) Morris Winchefsky (1856-1932) Yiddish The following notes appear on this page: ht tp://www.yourinter.net/dgeisen/sourcesshayna.htm: The second verse of Di Zukunft is sung to Rose by Lusia in Barbara Lebow's A Shayna Maidel, Act 2, scene 3. The song is most likely one of many spirited songs sung by members of the Bund, a Jewish political association committed to socialism. The "Sotzialistisher Kinder Farbund" (Yiddish for the Socialist Children's Organization), was the youth movement of the Bund and was founded in Poland in 1927. Tsukunft, (Yiddish for "future") became the name adopted by the young adult movement within the Bund. It was certainly sung by youth groups affiliated with The Workman's Circle in the United States. The socialist idealism of the Bund is reflected in the song's lyrics. Whether or not Lusia, Duvid or Hanna were ever associated with the Bund is, of course, pure speculation on fictional characters in a play. However, Lusia tells Rose that Hanna and she had sung the song in the camps. The song, as she sings it for Rose, is a bittersweet memory of her husband, her friend Hanna, and of their idealistic dreams of their youth. The following is my own translation based on the Yiddish version of the song with words by Morris Winchefsky (1856-1932) who used the pen name of Lipe Bentsion Novochovitch. His lyrics, along with the melody of the song, appear in Songs of Generations: New Pearls of Yiddish Song. Edited by Eleanor and Joseph Mlotek. New York: The Workman's Circle. A recording of the song performed by the Workman's Circle Chorus, as well as permission to perform the song, may be obtained by contacting Joseph Mlotek, Education Director, The Workman's Circle, 45 E. 33rd St., New York, NY 10016 (tel. 212- 889-6800).
Di Zun Vet Arunter Geyn Ben Yomen M. I. Helpern Yiddish A beautiful song with beautiful words... here performed by my favorite klezmer group The Klezmatics from their CD Rhythm and Jews
Dia de Shabat Judeo-spanish This narrative song is about a famous Burning in Thessaloniki (Greece). Following the tradition the fire started in the Jewish Quartier because a girl started to cook during the Shabbath.
Dire-Gelt Italian The clip, lyrics, and translation are from this wonderful page: (in Dutch
Do You Love Me? (from Fiddler on the Roof) tradition English
Dodi Li staneslow Hebrew clip from Jewish Wedding Love Songs THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE, WITH THANKS TO ZEMERL. http://www.hebrewsongs.com
Dolye Shoul Beresowsky (1908-1975) Itzik Manger (1911-1969) Yiddish I know of two recordings of this song: one by Ora Sittner from her wonderful CD "A Niggun vos loif mir nokh." The second recording is from a CD called "Poems from the Vanished World: songs in Yiddish and Ladino vol. 2" by Jacqueline Reisel
Dona dona (hebrew) Yiddish Translation of the Yiddish song "Dos Kelbl", decrying the condition of Russian Jews pogroms in the early part of the 20th century. THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . .
Donna, Donna (English) S. Secunda Donna,donna Yiddish This is the English version of the song Dona Dona that is availa
Dos Kelbl (Dona Dona) Secunda, Sholom (1894-1974) Aharon Zeitlin Yiddish One of the all-time favorites, a playful song that is often known as "Doyna Doyna". The real audio clip featured here is from "Yiddish Songs", performed by Oksana Sowiak and Anton Stingl. Click here to find out more about the CD.
Dos Talisl H. Wohl Yiddish (reprinted from Mendele) Bernard Katz asked about lyrics to a song identified by Nina Warnke as "Dos Talisl." Until someone can provide more complete details, here's what I know. I've got an LP (vintage late 1950s - early 1960s?) called "Songs my mother sang to me" by the Malavsky Family Choir, issued under Tikva Records (record T-2?). The version is short and lachrymose -- not surprisingly, given the theme -- and includes a spoken monologue presumably written by the Malavskys. The LP credits the song to one "H. Wohl." I believe I've seen a longer version in sheet music somewhere, but I don't own it. It may be melodramatic, but I like the rendition. This song can be found on CD Malevsky Family Yossele Rosenblatt has a recording of this song as well.
Dray Yinglekh Gelbart & Goykhberg Zaslavsky Yiddish (from Mendele): In reply to Marvin Engel's reminiscence, I can donate the following transcription of the song as recorded in the 1940s by Sarah Gorby (Melotone 293). In my notes I have the writer/composer as Zaslavsky/Gelbart & Goykhberg -- but I have no idea how accurate that is or who did what. I also have no idea how traditional these lyrics were -- Gorby was not above changing lyrics to suit her purposes.
Du Du Aliza Yiddish Originally in Aliza Greenblatt's Tsen Lider and written in 1933..
Dugit Shata Traditional N. Yonotan Hebrew The clip featured here is from the CD Sleep My Child THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . . I suggest that you add this song to your index list of Israeli songs.
Eili Eili David Zahav Hannah Senesh Hebrew You can find sheet music for this song here: http://www.israe l-mfa.gov.il/mfa/go-visual.asp?MFAG004t0 "B'rak hashamayim" is lightning
Ein Ballade fnn zerissene Schich Yiddish this song comes here from here: http://www.hagalil.com/jidish/klezmer/troyke/klesmer2.htm
El Rey por Muncha madruga anon Judeo-spanish Songs dealing with the issuse of adultery are the exception in Ladino music. In this story, the queen's unconscious admission of an extra- marital relationship results in her quite literally losing her head the allusion to the 'red necklace).(the white dress was the manner in which those condemned to Death were clothed in.) If memory serves, Alhambra recorded this song
El Suenyo Profetico (El Rey de Francia tres hijas tenia) traditional Judeo-spanish To listen to a clip connect with jpc, search for " sephar* ", and click details of Gazelle and Flee. The following comment is from the booklet of the CD. Countless variants survive in transcription of romansas which begin with the reference to "the daughter of the King of France", the youngest of the mandatory three daughtera. Obviousiy what has been "saved" (and ossified) through transcription is but the tip of a huge iceberg of multitudinous variants dealing with the adventures of this royal princess. The story related in this variant begins with the "dream of the princess", indicating its Greek provenience. Like a biblical prophet, her mother interprets and explains the symbolic meaning of each of the strange things her daughter saw in a dream. From this juncture, the rest of the story unfolds as a series of sign-posted events, which are difficult to interpret due to a lack of a shared cultural memory and knowledge of linguistic dialects. It would he futile to discuss here the "origin" of the story of the royal princess who has strange dreams and then travels off to adventures in a far-away country with her new hushand. By its very nature the romansa is a pot-pourri, an olio, of variable elements patched together from old and new sources. The story hinted al here may well be a variant on a popular Turhish folk-tale publishcd in the Seyahatname ("Book of Travels") compilcd in the 17th century by the Ottoman traveller Evliya Celebi. In his variant, Emperor Constantine XI, who lost Constantinople and his Orthodox Christian Empire in 1453 to Sultan Mehmed II, had been engaged to the daughter of the King of France. After the fleet of ships bringing her and her dowry (collected by piracy en route) was captured by the Turks. she became the wife of the Muslim Sultan Mehmed, not the Christian Emperor Constantine. She was thus the mother of Sultan Bayezid II. In the version presented here a number of foreign words, Arabic, Hebrew and Turkish, are peppered throughout the Judeo-Spanish text which confirm its Ottoman connection but also obscure the decipherment of the final events which lead to the "sad, bitter" return.
El rey que mucho madruga Traditional Traditional Judeo-spanish A Narrative Romance about an unfaithful queen.
Eli, Eli Jacob K. Sandler Jacob K. Sandler Yiddish The song was written by Jacob K. Sandler (1860-1931) for M. Hurvitch's pla
En la mar hay una torre Judeo-spanish clip here form Judy Frankel's recording Stairway of Gold Also known as La Sirena or La Serena
Eretz Zavat Halav Hebrew clip here is from CD Israel World Beat THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . .
Erev Ba A. Levanan O. Avissar Hebrew The clip featured here is from the CD Sleep My Child THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . .
Esa Enai (I Lift Up My Eyes) Shlomo Carlebach Liturgy Hebrew clip here from Shlomo Carlebach's CD Village Gate. THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE, WITH THANKS TO ZEMERL. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . .
Eyfo Hen Habakhurot Hahen Shayke Paykov Y. Gamzu Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE, WITH THANKS TO ZEMERL. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . .
Eynsam Dov Seltser Itsik Manger (1911-1969) Yiddish
Far Vos? (Why?) Sue Roemer Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941). Yiddish There is a page devoted to this song here: (more sound clips, music, yiddi
Fishelech Koyfn Yiddish Check out <a href="http://www.tanjasolnik.com">Tanja Solnik's website</a>, t
Fisher Lid (Fisherman's Song) traditional Hassidic tune Ve-eyneynu Aliza Greenblatt Yiddish Fisherlid was written to a traditional Hasidic tune "Ve-eyneynu tireno" by prolific American Yiddish poet and songwriter Aliza Greenblatt, who was also the mother-in-law of Woody Guthrie. (from liner notes to In the Fiddler's House, clip here by Klezmatics from that CD.
Gasn Singer Pejssachke Burstein ( ....-1986) Pejssachke Burstein ( ....-1986) Yiddish
Gesher Tsar Meod (Kol HaOlam Kulo) josh miller Attributed to Nachman of Bratslav Hebrew clip here (melody only) is from the <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.com/cg
Geyt a Goy in Shenkl Arayn Yiddish (from jewish-music email discussion list - www.shamash.org) From Bob Rothstein: The text here is(converted to YIVO standard) as published in _Yiddish Folk Songs: 50 Songs for Voice and Piano_, collected by Sarah Pitkowsky Schack with piano arrangement by Ethel Silberman Cohen (New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1924), 50-51 Those interested in this song may also be interested in the texts included in my paper "'Geyt a yid in shenkl arayn': Yiddish Songs of Drunkenness," _The Field of Yiddish: Studies in Language, Folklore, and Literature_, Fifth Collection, ed. David Goldberg (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press and YIVO, 1993), 243-62. ---------------------------------------------------- From Sam Weiss: I had remembered this folksong as appearing in the Schack- Cohen Yiddish Folk Songs collection, but I could not find it in the copy that I had. On closer inspection I noticed that there is a blanked-out entry for a song #22 in the table of contents, as well as in the song summaries section. Since this copy is the 5th edition published in 1950, Im assuming that "Geyt a goy in shenkl arayn" is the censored song. Abe Ellstein wrote an arrangement of the song in 1926. -----------------------------------------------------
Glik Alexander Olshanetsky Bella Meisell Yiddish This song, a Yiddish theater standard, was first introduced in "Der Letster Tantz" starring Mikhel Mikhalesko and Bella Meisell at the Prospect Theatre in Bronx.
Got Bentsh Amerike (God Bless America) Irving Berlin Irving Berlin English This song appears on Mandy Patinkin's CD Mamaloshen. The first song on the clip here is Take me Out to the Ball Game that goes into God Bless America.
HaNa'Ava BaBanot Hebrew <a href=http://www.sacredcircles.com/THEDANCE/HTML/DANCEPAG/HA N AAVAR.H
Hakhagiga Nigmeret (Lakum Makhar Baboker) Naomi Shemer Naomi Shemer Hebrew <p>A beautiful, inspiring song -"Let's wake up tomorrow morning,With a new
Haleluyah milk + honey haleluyah em portugues Hebrew halleluyah, the word that expresses thanks, amazement and joy in a world, of its beauty and "fortunes" songs, light, what was and what will be- in all them are things that fill the heart overflowing and then cry out Halleluyah!
Haleluyah - Psalm 146 Salamone Rossi (c.1570-c.1630) hal4li nafshi English THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE, WITH THANKS T
Halleluka Liturgy - Psalms/Tehillim 148 Hebrew
Hamavdil partos Havdala Liturgy Hebrew
Hamistikanim Hassinim Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE, WITH THANKS TO ZEMERL. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . .
Handel Handel Handel cabaret Italian (from a Mendele posting on 7/99) Dos lid vos iz gehert gevorn fun an aynvoyner in a moyshev-zikeynim in Melburn iz a barimte shafung fun eynem fun undzere barimte mikhabrim. Ikh ken zikh in itstikn moment nit dermonen ver es hot di poeme ongeshribn, ober mir hobn zi gelernt in di TSISHO-shuln in Poyln un ikh meyn az ikh gedenk khotsh a teyl fun fun di verter. Ikh meyn az der nomen fun der poeme iz "der hendler" oder "handel". Ikh bin zikher az imetser vet aykh zogn vu ir kent di poeme gefinen un az ir vet krign di resht fun di verter. Oyb ikh vel zikh dermonen dem sof, oder gefinen di poeme tsvishn mayhne bikher , vel ikh aykh dos mit fargenign tsushikn. Der hoyf- hendler mit der torbe un a shtekn in der hant iz geven a geveyntlekhe dershaynung in Poyln. Do redt zikh vegn a hoyf- hendler in Varshe (vu s'iz geven di barimte Smocza gas (Dragon Street). Mitn shtekn oder shtekl flegt er klapn oyfn hoyf (bay undz in dem ayzernem tirl fun untererdishn shtibl vu der "struzh" {hoyz-vekhter} hot gedreyt a pompe kedey tsu zamlen oyf di dekher regn-vaser), un azoy arum un mit di verter "handel, handel" vos er hot oysgeshrien, flegt er tsien di oyfmerkzamkeyt fun di aynvvoyner (spetsyel fun di kundeysim kinder). Di vayterdike verter "Handel,handel `kh`koyf alte zakhn; Handel, handel kh'hob nisht shabes tsu makhn..." hob ikh gehert di hendler oyszingen, ober ikh gloyb nit az dos zaynen a teyl verter fun der barimter poeme. Mit beste grusn, Ayer, Feygl Infeld Glezer
Hashmi'ini Shlomo Carlebach Hebrew this song appears on Shlomo Carlebach's Village Gate THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE, WITH THANKS TO ZEMERL. http://www.hebrewsongs.com . . . . . . . . .
Hatikvah gastoldi Naftali Herz Imber Hebrew The Israeli Anthem.fgh Inspired by Smetna's Moldau
Havlo Con Coraje Judeo-spanish
Hayom Harat Olam Lewandowski High Holiday Liturgy After each of the three main sections of the Musafprayers on Rosh Hashanah, the shofar is sounded. This is followed by a prayer proclaiming that this day, Rosh Hashanah, commemorates the birth of the universe, and that on this day human beings stand before their Creator either as children or servants. This prayer asks God to relate to humanity with the mercy of a Father or to take note of the beseeching eyes of His servants and to respond with graciousness. (more on this page: http://www.learn.jtsa.edu/topics/arts/aud_hhday/track21.shtml
Hevenu Shalom Aleykhem silbermintz Hebrew