
The Angel's Blessing Debbie Friedman English
The International (Hebrew) ) Hebrew L'Internationale (The International) was a revolutionary song that emerged in connection with the development of the working class movement in late nineteenth-century France. The words are by Pottier (1871) and the music by Degeyter. L'Internationale has since come to be associated with all communist movements, and is still sung standing with fist clenched to symbolize working class solidarity. This Hebrew text can be found in a collection of songs called "Shirei echad bemai" Ed. by N. Nissimov and S. Kaplan.
The Old Grand Duke of York (to the tune of) English
To Life! (Lechayim) - from Fiddler on the Roof Sheldon Harnick Polish this is a very good song,movie,and especialy a great web site.however you
Tradition (from Fiddler on the Roof) Jerry Bock English the clip here is an interpretation of this song by one of the avantgarde klezmer groups, featured on the recording Knitting on the Roof from the Knitting Factory.
Tsen Brider Ellstein Yiddish from Wolf Krakowski's "Transmigrations": http://www.kamea.com AYNER IS FUN UNDZ GESHTORBN!!! The following "lighter" version of this song was recently on the Yiddish Radio Project on NPR. It was originally sung by the Barry sisters. This version begins and ends with a slightly modified version of the original Yiddish chorus, and there is an alternate English chorus between the verses. CHORUS: Yidl mit dem fidl, tevye mit dem bass shpil she mir a lidele oyfn mitn gas oy oy oy oy oy, oy oy oy oy oy shpilshe mir a lidele oyfn mitn gas English chorus: Joseph with his fiddle, Charlie with his bass, They played diddle diddle As they went from place to place Once there were ten brothers And they organized a band When they started playing Gee their music sounded grand(english chorus) At a one night stand in Brooklyn Joseph played "Sweet Adeline" He fell asleep while playing And the band just played with nine(EC) Brooklyn blondes are beautiful So Charlie made a date She took him for a ride And then the band was down to eight(EC) Tschachen wedding And the bill collector took four more The band went right on playing Even though there were just four(EC) The brothers kept on leaving Til just two were on the stand Then they started fighting Over who would lead the band(EC) You can just imagine What their music sounded like One man joined the union And they called him out on strike(C) Since it is the lyrics to my version of Tsen Brider that appear first, it is incorrect to write that the composer is "Ellstein." "Tsen Brider"'s origins are shrouded in the mists of time; it is a folksong. -- traditional and anonymous. You should clarify that the Barry Sister's PARODY has lyrics by Ellstein -- not mine. It is erroneous to say that the Barry Sister's "Tsen Brider" is the "original" version of this song. Their "Tsen Brider" is a PARODY not a VERSION. There is a difference. Thanks. Wolf Krakowski Sara: I just saw the movie Yidl mitn Fidl, with Molly Picon - it uses a version of this song. And there's another song on this website called Lenin mitn Fidl, and more comments there.
Tsur Mishelo Hebrew clip here from <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.com/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/coms
Tzion Tamati M. M. Dolitsky Hebrew
Una Pastora Judeo-spanish clip here from <a href=http://www.mappamundi.com>Mappamundi</a>
Una tarde de verano Traditional Traditional Judeo-spanish A Medieval Spanish "Romance" taken to Morocco by the sephardic Jews. The story of this romance is based on the German epic poem "Kudrun" from the early 13th century. This song was probably transposed from the Arabian Peninsula to Spain during the crusades. It tells of the rescue of Kudrun by her brother Ortwin and Prince Herwig, following thirteen years of humiliating captivity. Numerous forms of the story are contained in the oral traditions of Spain, Marocco, Greece, and Turkey (including "Don Buesco y su hermana"). The octosyllabic version selected for this recording is probably more recent presumably "re-imported" to Spain from Marocco by way of Andalusia. [from the booklet to a CD by Sarband]
Unter Beymer Alexander Olshanetsky (18...-1944) Moyshe Oysher (1907-1958) Yiddish
Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern (Under Your White Stars) Abraham Sutzkever Abraham Budno Yiddish clip here from Mandy Patinkin's CD Mamaloshen *Note: (from Mlotek and other sources) This song was written in the Vilno ghetto, words by Avraham Sutskever (1913-); music by Abraham Brudno (?-1944). It was first presented in the ghetto theater in the play " Di Yogenish in Fas" (the hunt in the barrel, a pun on Diogenes in a barrel.) It was first sung by Zlate Katcherginsky. After the liquidation of the ghetto, Suskever joined the partisan fighters. He survived the war and lives in Israel where he edits the literary quarterly "Di Goldene Keyt". The composer, Abraham Brudno, following the liquidation of the ghetto, was deported to a German concentration camp in Estonia, where he died.
Varnitchkes Unknown Unknown English Where shall I find a pastry board on which to roll my varnitchkes? I have neither yeast nor fat, Nor pepper nor salt, not even a pot. And where shall I find a lad Who will eat my varnitches That lack salt, pepper, and yeast?
Ven Di Tsadikim Kumen Un (When the Saints Go Marching In) Some Schvartzer Leybush Lehrer (translator) Yiddish you can find a page devoted to this song here: http://www.library.upenn.edu/friends/freed/sampl er/ven_di.html
Veshuv Itchem Hebrew
Veulai lider Hebrew <a href="http://www.tanjasolnik.com">Tanja Solnik</a> sings this beautiful
Vi Ahin Zol Ikh Geyn S. Korn-Tuer O. Strock Yiddish clip here from David Propis' <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.com//cgi-bin/So
Vi Shlekht Un Vi Bitter Yiddish
Vilne Olshanetsky & Wolfson Yiddish Comments by Wolf Krakowski: I directed a docu-music video of the song set to images of inter-War Jewish Vilna(6:30 min.. B&W;) featuring the singing of Fraidy Katz (and Klezamir) in 1992, The video was employed by Survivors of Shoah Visual History Foundation in 1994-5 as a sensitizing tool for potential interviewers on the "Speilberg Project" ( I directed 114 Survivor interviews). It has been presented at the First Northampton Film Festival, and elsewhere. It received an Honorable mention from USA Homegrown Video. Ordering info available at Kame'a Media Website: www.kamea.com
Vos Iz Geven Iz Geven Un Nito Dovid Meyerovits Dovid Meyerovits Yiddish I edited the text for Yivo transcription and grammar. Refoyl Finkel 8/2002.
Vos Toyg Mir Der Sheyner Vayngorten? Yiddish
Vot Ken You Makh? Es is Amerike! Scholem Secunda (1894-1974) Aaron Lebedeff (1873-1960) Yiddish
Vu Bistu Geven (Where Were You) Yiddish clip here from CD <a href="http://www.jewishmusic.com/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe
Yatzanu At David Zahavi Haim Khefer Hebrew
Yedid Nefesh Hebrew Margi e Rosenthal & Ilene Safyan performs this beautiful song on the clip featured here.
Yiddish Tango Shmerke Kaczerginski Yiddish from Aufwind's klezmer band's page: ...this song is found in Lider fun getos un lagern, a collection made by Shmerke Kaczerginski, published in 1948 in New York City. The melody became more popular with different words and the title Shpil zhe mir a lidele in yidish.
Yiddisher Tango olaf berger olaf berger German This song can be found on Karsten Troyke's CD "Grine Blatter". Click here for more information about the CD. The following comments are from the singer's website: "It is thanks to Sara Bialas, who lives in Berlin, that we could sing the Yiddish Tango; otherwise it would have been forgotten. As a child in a concentration camp near Czestochova (Poland), she has never recovered from her experiences there. At the same time, she remembers the few pleasant moments, for example, when the Viennese operetta singer, Minna Spielmann, who was imprisoned with Sara, sang this Yiddish Shlager: "Oh, take me beloved - that was our song. Later I met another girl and she, too, left me. Today I am alone and drink strong wine in pubs.""
Yidl Mitn Fidl I. Manger A. Elstein English from a webpage devoted to this song, http://www.starkman.com/a viva/yiddish/yidl.html) Yidl Mitn Fidl, written by Itzik Manger, is the title song from the 1936 Yiddish film of the same name. The movie stars Molly Picon, Leon Liebgold, and Max Bozyk, and was actually produced by Green Films in Warsaw. Besides being a cute story, Yidl Mitn Fidl offers a glimpse into Jewish life in pre-War Poland. (It is available on video from Ergo Media; I highly recommend that you get it!) Sara: Elsewhere on this website, there's Tsen Brider (similar) and Lenin mitn Fidl (similar).
Yihyu Lratzon Liturgy Hebrew
Yim Eyn Ani, Mi Li? wolfson hillel primary school ? Hebrew/english
Yoshke Fort Avek (Yoshke is Leaving) Yiddish This song is from the times of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904. <p>The
Zing Shtil Yiddish clip here from Rebbecca West's website and her album A Bisl Libe and a Bisele Glik
Zol Shayn Shtil Yiddish I learned this song at a private Hebrew school in Toronto, sometime between grades 3 and 5. My Yiddish teacher was Mrs. Berman. Fifteen years later, I remember nothing of the Yiddish I learned for three years, except for this song. I can sing the whole song, and have taught it to others who do not speak Yiddish! Since I do not speak Yiddish at all, I am not sure if the words are correct, but this is how I remember it.
Zol Shoyn Kumen Di Geule Shmerke Kaczerginski (1908-1954) Yiddish There is a page devoted to this song here: http://www.library.upenn.edu/friends/freed/sampler/zol.html
Zum Gali Gali English clip here from Judy Caplan Ginsburg's recording Shalom Yeladim Click here and page down a bit for more English words to Zum Gali Gali: http://www.divtune.com/zip/words.htm#dt105
Zun In Mayrev Yiddish
a brivele der mamen Solomon Shmulewitz Solomon Shmulewitz Yiddish
a ganev Yiddish Standardizing the Yiddish transliteration
a glezele lekhayim B. Bergholz Yiddish
a glezele mashke Michael Gordon (1823-1890) Michael Gordon (1823-1890) Yiddish
a glezele vayn Yiddish
a kholem Yiddish
a malekh veynt Chava Alberstein, Ben Mink, John Friesen Peretz Hirshbein (1880-1948) Yiddish This composition included on 'The well' , by the Klezmatics and Chava Alberstein, 1998. Lyrics translated into English by Michael Wex.
a zuniker shtral Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Yiddish
abi gezunt Abraham Ellstein Molly Picon Yiddish
ale brider Winchevsky, Morris (1856-1932) Yiddish
arbetloze marsh Text und Musik: Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Text und Musik: Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Yiddish
arum dem fayer English
avreyml Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Yiddish Doesn't the final verse mean: Da liegt Avreyml der fdhigste Taschendieb,
bay dem shtetl Rozental, Zalmen (1889-1959) Rozental, Zalmen (1889-1959) Yiddish
dem milners trern Mark Warschawski ( 1848-1907 ) Mark Warschawski ( 1848-1907 ) Yiddish
der filozof Velvl Zbarzher (1826-1883) Velvl Zbarzher (1826-1883) Yiddish
di elter Itsik Fefer (1900-1952) Yiddish
di goldene pave Leibu Levin Anna Margolin (1887-1952) Yiddish
di goldene pave / di nekhtige teg Yiddish
di grine kuzine Abe Scwartz Khayim Prizant Yiddish Hi everyone! There definitely is a story behind the origin of Hyman P
di krenitse Itsik Fefer (1900-1952) Yiddish Chava Alberstein & klezmatics - The Well (I have on cd)
di mame iz gegangen Yiddish
di mezinke Mark M. Warshavsky (1840-1907) Mark M. Warshavsky (1840-1907) Yiddish
di saposhkelekh Yiddish
di zun vet aruntergeyn Ben Yomen (1919) Moshe Leib Halpern Yiddish
dire gelt 100000 Theodore Bikel Yiddish
dolye dolye Shoul Beresowsky (1908-1975) Itzik Manger (1911-1969) Yiddish
dos kelbl Scholem Secunda (1894-1974) Aaron Zeitlin (1889-1973) Yiddish Is there and English translation of the song available? [email protected]
dos lidl fun goldenem land Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Yiddish
du meydele du sheyns Yiddish
dzhankoye Yiddish
ershter valts Yiddish
eyder ikh leyg mikh shlofn Yiddish
eynzam Dov Seltzer Itzik Manger (1911-1969) Yiddish
farvos veynstu sheyndele Mordechai Gebirtig Yiddish
feygele Sholom Secunda Israel Rosenberg Yiddish
finfuntsvantsiger Yiddish
fisherlid Aliza Greenblatt Yiddish
fraytik oyf der nakht Nochem Sternheim (1879-1942) Nochem Sternheim (1879-1942) Yiddish
freylekh zayn Yiddish
gibn dir mayn tokhter Yiddish
glik Alexander Olshanetsky Bella Meisell Yiddish
haMotzi Liturgy Hebrew
hemerl Yiddish
her nor du sheyn meydele Yiddish
hey klezmorim Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Yiddish
hey tsigelekh Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Yiddish
heymisher bulgar Yiddish
hirsh lekert Yiddish
hulyet hulyet kinderlakh Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Mordekhay Gebirtig (1877-1942) Yiddish
ikh bin a boarder bay mayn vayb Rubin Doctor (1882- ca.1940) Rubin Doctor (1882- ca.1940) Yiddish
ikh hob dikh tsufil lib English I know the fabulous old blues singer, Alberta Hunter, made a terrific reco
ikh nem dos pekl Yiddish
ikh vil nit geyn in kheyder Josef Czerniawsky Scholem Alejchem (1859-1916) Yiddish
indroyzn Yiddish
indroyzn iz finzter Yiddish