All Songs

Avre Tu Puerta Judeo-spanish The clip here is by the talented and versatile singer Tanja Solnik and then "musiques s pharades" "Avre tu puerta" sang the dashing Spanish troubadour in the 11th century and "Avre tu puerta" sang the Jerusalem Sephardic mother at the beginning of the 20th century [from the booklet to a CD by the Pavarim] There's a lovely recording of this by Lutz Elias - I forget the name of the album.
Avre este abajour bijou Judeo-spanish This cantiga belongs to the popular love songs in which the door, the window, or the balcony is a symbol. There is an overlap with "Por la puerta yo pasi"
Avreml Der Marvikher Mordecai Gebirtig Mordecai Gebirtig English I added 'on a heym' (without a home) in the first line.
Avri tu puerta serrada Anonimous Traditional Judeo-spanish I only knew the first two verses of this song, the famous "Avre tu". Lately I found this version on a very good book written by Matilda Koen-Sarano "Vini Kantaremos".The last two verses prove that the love of the "poet" is far more tragic than the one revealed by the first two more popular verses. I guess during the centuries, mothers (including mine), singing the song as a lullaby, cut the final verses in order to avoid the "bloodshed", to children!!
Avrid me, galanica Judeo-spanish In some Sephardic communities a wedding could take up to seven days. The
Ay madre, buscai me con quien durmire Judeo-spanish Dialogue between a mother and her daughter who does not want to sleep al
Az Der Rebbe Yiddish Frequently mistaken today for a Chassidic song, this originated as a Misnaggdishe song, mocking Chassidim for following rebbes without thinking for themselves. As the controversy died down, the original meaning of the song was lost, and the popular tune took on the opposite of its original meaning. Peter Stark, 4/10/2002 Whatever the rabbi does - the khasidim follow him -- except when he talks, which is when they stifle their mimicry and absorb his wisdom. A nice twist in the last verse. This is a great, joyous song, one of my favorites.
Az der Rebe Elimelekh Nadir, Moyshe (1885-1943) Nadir, Moyshe (1885-1943) Yiddish See what happens when a rabbi gets drunk?! <p>Here is the last verse of
Azoy vi es Kumt der Kheyliker Purim Yiddish
B'Rosh Hashanah neomi shemer Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . .
B'racha L'tu Bish'vat Hebrew
BAT HA CARMEL EFFI NETZER A . BAR-AM Hebrew I found this beautiful song in a record whose title is: "This is Israel" Israeli folk songs and dances with EFFI NETZER Beit Rothschild singers and band The name of the lyricist is not clear and there are two possibilities A. BAR- AM or Abraham BEN ZEEV THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . .
Ba'a M'Nucha D. Sambursky N. Alterman Hebrew The clip featured here is from the CD <a href="
Babi Yar Traditional Unknown Yiddish
Balayla al hadeshe Yair Rozenblum Ester Nitzav Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .
Ballad of Rika Kurie Selim Hubes Avner Perez English This is the text of the ballad of Rika Kuriel..a Sephardic Greek Song about the Shoa in Thessaloniki. The music has been writen by Selim Hubes...the text is by Avner Perez. You can find the musical notations in the book Canti della diaspora- raccolti tradotti e interpretati da Liliana Treves Alcalay..Firenze. La Giuntina. 1997. (La Giuntina is a little Jewish Publishing House in Firenze/Florence Italy..Via Ricasoli 26 Firenze
Banu Khoshekh leGaresh E. Amiran & S. Levi E. Amiran & S. Levi Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .
Bapardes Le Yad Ashoket Nurit Hirsch Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .
Barbra Streisand Hebrew Barbra Streisand sang this hymnn in her own style.
Barechu Liturgy Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .
Barry sisters Yiddish
Basarabye (Bessarabia) Bella Gottesman Bella Gottesman Yiddish clip here from <a href=" bin/SoftCart.exe/kz
Bashana Habaa Ehud Manor & Nurit Hirsch English
Bay Mir Bistu Shein (Yiddish) Secunda, Sholom Jacobs, Jacob Yiddish the clip here is from a great CD Oy, It's Good by the Shirim Klezmer Orchestra (here sung first in Yiddish, then in English). In his book "The Essential Klezmer," (published by Algonquin Bookds of Chapel Hill in 2000) Seth Rogovoy reports it was originally written for a Yiddish theater production "I would if I Could," in 1932.
Bay dem Shtetl Shteyt a Shtibl Rozental, Zalmen (1889-1959) moyfess is not a Yiddish word and neither is set to Zie ois Yiddish
Be Bukhara (In Bukhara ) Bukharian Tune Chaim Chefer Hebrew Satiric song criticizing the justice and cleverness of the Emir of Bukhar. NOTE: All the following from the liner notes of FOLKWAYS RECORDS Album No. FW 8735, S 1958 - Geula Gill and Dov Seltzer. Transliteration key: "kh" = khaf "ch" = chet "tz" = tsade ' (apostrophe) = 'ayin THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .
Bearvot HaNegev Leonid Shokhin Refael Klatchkin Hebrew mythos of bereavement Both the text and the melody are based on a 1943 Soviet song about a partisan dying at the edge of a forest, "Na opushke lesa," words by Petr Mamaichuk, music by Leonid Shokhin. THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . . There was a Ladino version written in Israel following one of the wars there. Also - don't you find the similar lyrics in Eshet Chayil (Shir Hapartizan) in
Beautiful That Way Piovani israel Hebrew This is a great song from "wonderful life" film preformed by Noa, one of I
Bechol dor vador Chaim Parchi Haggadah Hebrew From Haggadah Songs By Chaim Parchi
Behar HaGilboa YOSEF HADAR Hebrew 2 recordings atleast : HaParvarim & Ofra Haza Corrections to the translite
Beltz, Mayn Shtetele Beltz Olshanetsky, Alexander (1892-1946) Jacobs, Jacob (1892-1972) Yiddish One of the all-time favorites. Looking back at our little hometowns...
Bendigamos shraga fortuna Ladino clip here from <a href=" bin/SoftCart.exe/
Betzet Yisrael Chaim Parchi Psalm 114 Hebrew From "Haggada Songs" by Chaim Parchi
Beygelach Kammen sheyn Yiddish From Theodore Bikel sings Yiddish Theatre and Folk Songs. Clip here from the Barry Sisters' CD Their Greatest Hits
Bilvavi Shmuel Brazil (music) Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner (words), based on a passage from Sefer Hareidim (Elazar Azikri, 1500s). Glaser (English) Hebrew Words: Rabbi Yizchok Hutner (1900s Warsaw-Brooklyn), based on Sefer Hareidim (Elazar Azikri, Sfat 1500s). Tune: Rabbi Shmuel Brazil (1970) The music was composed by Shmuel Brazil and included on an Or Chodosh albumn from the 1970s. See page from Sefer Haredim here: it's in the second paragraph, on the line beginning with bet
Bilvovi Shmuel Brazil Liturgy English
Bin Ikh Mir a Shnayderl Yiddish Clip here from Mark Levy's <a href="/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/ydmrk10d.htm?L+s
Boee Kalah anonymous English
Bopkes Blues Jeff Janning Jeff Janning English This is funny stuff but it is like late 50's early 60's rock, or Alternative
Boray C. LuAnn Howe Traditional Hebrew This song contains some common Hebrew blessings said before eating. It i
Borukh Ate Yiddish you can find more hannukkah songs here: http://w
Break Down Holly Hartsock Holly Hartsock English This song was made buy a student for a holocaust project. I am not fully finished with it. Please email me at the address above. Thank you.
Breaking the Lock Karen Daniel Karen Daniel English A song about Bubby from the old country...who spoke Yiddish mixed with English and always kept the cookie jar full...a true story, with a little niggun in it. Available on Karen Daniel's Breaking the Lock cd.
Brider, mir hobn geshlosn Chaim Aleksandrov Yiddish Sung by Jewish soldiers of the "Brigadas internacionales" during the Spani
Broyges Tanz Hebrew (from the jewish-music listserv ) Here are the Yiddish lyrics to the broygez song. The music can also be found in the Lapson book along with a quadrille version of the dance (designed for folk dance enthusiasts - not the shtetl version)
Bublichki/Beygelach klesmorim Yiddish more on this song (in russian) at <a href=
Buena semana Traditional Judeo-spanish A Sephardic Moroccan song to celebrate the end of the Shabbath
Bulbe title: BULBES Unknown Yiddish There is a version of this song by The Fugs, available on "The Fugs First Album" and probably other collections. It is retitled "Nothing." Tuli Kupferberg sings first in English and then in Yiddish (followed by a verse in Spanish). After the multilingual opening, there are several verses listing people and activities that Tuli characterizes as "nothing."
Cancion Sefardi Traditional Rony Micro Band Judeo-spanish
Candles HASC IV English I heard this song some years ago and I love it! But i only remember the chorus. Maybe someone could help me out with the rest of the lyrics or even put on the tune - I know that the song is from HASC IV. Thanx!!!!!!!!
Century's End Richard Meyer Richard Meyer Hungarian Hi there! Does anyone of you have the sheet notes to this song? This is a wonderful song that I could preform at our memorial service for the Shoah! Just write to me please! [email protected]
Chad Gadyah Chaim Parchi Haggadah Hebrew From Haggadah Songs By Chaim Parchi . . .
Chad Gadyo Aramaic The clip featured here is from <a href=" Correction: Song is listed as in the Yiddish language. It is NOT Yiddish. It is a transliteration of the original language in which it appears in the Passover Haggadah, namely Aramaic (which looks like Hebrew but is not; it is related to Hebrew, as Spanish is related to Italian).
Chag Chanuka Sameach C. LuAnn Howe C. LuAnn Howe Hebrew This is my first Hebrew holiday song. I am proud of it and would like to
Chag purim traditional Levin Kipnis Hebrew it's a song that i learned in's a joyful song. i.v.(from istanbul, turkey) [email protected] adds Sang it in elementary school in Los Angeles in the seventies.
Chai Hatikva English clip here from Cindy Paley's CD Celebrate with Cindy Performed by Ofra Haza. Winner of 1983 Eurovision contest. Original recording: Album "Chai" by Ofra 1983. THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .
Chanukah, Oh Chanukah Roger Emerson Roger Emerson English (from liner notes to "To Life! Songs of Chanukah and other Jewish celebr
Chanuke, O Chanuke! Hassidic Melody M. Rivesman English The clip featured here is from the <a href="http://www.klezmerconservator
Cher believe cher Cher believe English Cher believe
Chiri Biri Bam/Az Ich Vel Zingen Hebrew Clip here from Zamir Chorale's CD <a href="
Chiribim Chiribom herschel bernrdi Yiddish clip here is a great rendition of this song by the <a href="http://www.jew
Chorshat Ha'Ekaliptus (The Ecalyptus grove) Naomi Shemer Naomi Shemer Hebrew clip here from Fran Avni's CD Israeli Favorites THIS PAGE IS NOW LINKED TO THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. WE ACKNOWLEDGE ZEMERL WITH THANKS.
Como La Rosa En La Guerta Judeo-spanish
Complas de Purim Traditional Ladino <i>Esta noche de Purim<i> <br> A Sephardic Moroccan Song for Purim.
Cuando El Rey Nimrod (When King Nimrod) Ladino Folksong Las Suegras de Ahora Judeo-spanish This song is also known as "Avram Avinu" (Abraham, our father) Clip featured here is from Shirim Klezmer Orchestra's CD Oy, It's Good! here is a page devoted to this song: stanzas 4-6 are from CD's by Lena Rothstein and Dominique Thibaudat. The text is from the period of Alfons X (1245-1289) influenced by a school in Toledo [from the booklet to a CD by Dominique Thibaudat]. The text exists already in the period of Alphonse X (1245-1280) in Toledo, and part of the melody is from the "Cantigas de Nuestra Senora) although subject to several more modern changes. It is the metric where the medieval influence is still recognized.
Cuando veo hija hermosa Traditional Traditional Judeo-spanish This song can be found in Adolfo Osta's CD _Avedivare_ (lit. "To bring back to life"): http://www.ventilador-;=ART
DER SHNAJDER (DER KRANKER SHNAJDER) S. Ansky Yiddish By S. Ansky pseudonym of playwright SOLOMON ZANVEL RAPPOPORT b. 1863, Vitebsk, Russia [now in Belarus] d. Nov. 8, 1920, Warsaw, Poland Words, translation from the Mloteks. Der schneider neht und neht und neht und hodkadochus hat kein bret und netke schneider netke schneider netke schneider netke steg yhe tailor sews and sews and sews and " ???? " has no bread and the neat (?) tailor neat tailor neat tailor makes a nice/neat sew regards David Abramoff
DIVA Zvika Pik Hebrew I believe "gdola mehachaim" simply means "the best, greatest". "Bigger than life" is a literal translation. "Yesh ksamim" means "miracles happen" or "there are miracles", but not "magic" "She is the queen of the stage" would be a better lyrical translation of what the singer meant by "the stage is all hers". "Teras of life" shold be "tears".
DIXIELAND N/A/ N/A/ English I HEARD THIS SONG AT AGES 13 - 14 WHEN I BELONGED TO THE BOYS CONGREGATION AND SISTERHOOD OF EAST NEW YORK BROOKLYN I heard a similar song from my grandfather in South Africa: When it's pesachtime in Dixieland Gee let me take you by the hand Ther'll be tsimmes and shmaltz lokshen and zaltz kugel and farfel and matzoh as well There will be a jubilee 'cause we'll all be on a spree Ther'll be bobba and zaide sitting at the seder davening in ragtime with a ba-ba-badede-ba there will be a big brass band when it's pesachtime in dixie pesachtime in dixie pesachtime in dixieland Does anyone have any more information
Dance Rami Bar-Niv Composed to be performed following the "Prayer". Please see Published sheet music available from the artist.
Daniel's Diet in Babylonian Captivity Howard L. Kaplan Howard L. Kaplan English I wrote this secular Jewish vegetarian gospel song after hearing a lecture (about the role of statistics in medical research) that referred to a story recounted in Chapter 1 of Daniel -- not the story of the lion's den or the burning firey furnace, but the story of the non-availability of Kosher meals at Nebudchadnezzar's school for foreign captives. Further details (including sheet music) can be found at
Darknu Hadag Nafash Hebrew This is a beautiful song. "There was a storm, and it has passed, And your face is again as calm as the surface of the sea." isn't it "With the light we will continue to go on," and not "with the added light we will go on"? "The road is long and the journey not simple." "And your eyes are sometimes so touching." (isn't it ko nog'ot?) -------------------------------------------------------- MY COMMENTS: I have put a translation of Darkeinu on, which is a little different from this one and more correct. There are many mistakes here. First of all, the title is "Darkenu" or "Darkeinu", not Darknu. It's Hebrew, not English, and should be listed as Israeli-Contemporary. Rather than repeating my translation here, please go to, where you can also see the Hebrew text. The song comes from the soundtrack of an Israeli TV show, Haburganim, and is sung by Sarit Vino-Elad and Chani Firstenberg. There's a CD of the soundtrack. - Malka Yes, it is "with the light we will continue to go on" "And the road is long; the journey is not yet over." "ko nog'ot" means so sad - v'einayich lif'amim ko nog'ot - "And your eyes are sometimes so sad"
David Melech Israel Hebrew THIS SONG IS NOW LINKED ON THE HEBREW SONGS DOT COM WEBSITE. We acknowledge Zemerl with thanks. . . . . . .
Dayenu Hebrew This traditional Passover song is over a thousand years old. The Hebrew lyrics mean that even if He (God) had only brought us out of Egypt, it would have been enough for us. The second and third verses add that even if He had only given the Sabbath or the Torah, it would have been enough for us.
Dayenu (in Yiddish) Traditional melody I. Lukowsky English Reprinted from the e-mail list Mendele: Yiddish literature and language , vol4.395 This version has lyrics by Lukovsky, but there is another version in Yiddish, simpler, for kids that the Workmen's Circle also uses. Maybe I'll post it someday. Lorele from Tamara Selden, just translated words above. Also know a brief on from Sholem Aleichem Folkshule, New York. Arois Gegangen fun Mitrayim Oif a leben, oif a fryen Oif a leben, oif a fryen Dayenu Going out from Egypt On a free life On a free life Dayenu On
Dem Ganef4s Yikhes - Far Vos Du Ketsele Broyges Yiddish 'KETZELE BAROIGES' This song is one of my favorites with the Barry Sisttrs
Dem Milners Trern david karp Yiddish clip here from Leon Lissek's great CD <a href="
Dem Zeydns Nign (Grandfather's Tune) Josh Waletzky Shike Driz Yiddish The clip featured here is from Klezamir CD Back in the Shtetl Again". >Vel ikh oys trinken lekhayim >Ikh hob gehert der tseyln, these two lines should be written: Vel ikh oystrinken lekhayim Ikh hob gehert dertseyln,... 'oystrinken' is one word 'dertseyln' is one word. Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky -wife of the composer
Der Alter Menashe Yiddish
Der Dishwasher Yablakoff, Herman (1903-1981) Yablakoff, Herman (1903-1981) Yiddish These lyrics appear as sung by Herman Yablokoff.
Der Filosof Zbarzher, Velvl (1826?-1883) Zbarzher, Velvl (1826?-1883) Yiddish A humbling song - whatever the man has made or invented, the rabbi can do better! According to a different interpretation (probably the correct one), this song actually is an harsh satire on the hassidim blind following of their rabbi. The clip featured here is from Bente Kahan's CD "Yiddishkayt". Click here to find out more about the recording.
Der International elvis crespo suavemente English The Yiddish version of the International, the Communist anthem. (from Mendele, February 12): In reply to Ron Kuzar's questions (Mendele 09.056), here are a few answers gleaned from examining the sheet music, published by Metro Music in New York. The original copyright in 1912 was by Joseph P. Katz, and was assigned in 1927 to Henry Lefkowitch. The sheet music attributes the music and arrangement to Eugene Potter and Max Persin, respectively. The English version is by Charles H. Kerr. The yiddish version, not precisely a translation, is given, but no mention is made of the author. The covers are printed in red, and the catalogue of music on the back cover is printed in Russian. Mint copies of the sheet music are available from the National Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Mass. L'Internationale (The International) was a revolutionary song that emerged in connection with the development of the working class movement in late nineteenth-century France. The words are by Pottier (1871) and the music by Degeyter. L'Internationale has since come to be associated with all communist movements, and is still sung standing with fist clenched to symbolize working class solidarity.
Der Nayer Sher Sher Ellstein, Avrom (1907-1963) English The clip featured here is from Faye Kellerstein's CD "A feygele zingt". Click here to find out more about the CD. There is a page devoted to this song with more sample recordings here: r/der_nay.html
Der Nayer Sher Abraham Ellstein Yiddish The clip featured here is from Faye Kellerstein's CD "A feygele zingt". Click here to find out more about the CD. There is a page devoted to this song with more sample recordings here: r/der_nay.html
Der Rebe Elimelech Yiddish We always sang this song at school for Purim. I am fairly sure that feeling "happy" is euphimistic for getting drunk. The song can get fairly raucous in klezmer style. Also, the parallel to traditional nursery rhyme, "Old King Cole" is unmistakeable, but I don't know how they are related.
Der Rebe Elimelech Yiddish We always sang this song at school for Purim. I am fairly sure that feeling "happy" is euphimistic for getting drunk. The song can get fairly raucous in klezmer style. Also, the parallel to traditional nursery rhyme, "Old King Cole" is unmistakeable, but I don't know how they are related.
Der Rebe Hot Gevolt Vayn Trinken Yiddish
Der Rebe Tut Vunder Yiddish
Der Vinter Mark Warshawsky Mark Warshawsky Yiddish
Der hoyfzinger fun varshever geto Reuven Lifshutz ( 1918-1975 ) Reuven Lifshutz ( 1918-1975 ) Yiddish eti hurl labogain qual mit goodken hasuen euch goofdt drier footgot
Der rebe Elimelakh Moshe Nadir Yiddish My jewish-music teacher Elisheva Edelson Tishman, taught this song to me.... i like this song because it4s in yiddish and because is a very funny song.....
Der shabbes Kodesh ist shoin du ? Yiddish I remember that this was a marvelous duet skillfully sung on an old Columb
Der shir hashirim fun Mendl Pumshtok English from : It appears in a paper by Ruth R. Wisse entitled "Language as Fate: Reflections on Jewish Literature in America", a paper published in the 1996 Studies in Contemporary Jewry (Vol. 12), pages 129- 147, Oxford University Press. The volume is subtitled Literary Strategies: Jewish Texts and Contexts. Ruth Wisse (b'sheim omro) says that she got these lines from Lucy Dawidowicz, who got them from Chaim Raphael, who got them from Daniel Bell. Alas, I could not find the original in any of SaulBellow's papers on deposit at the University of Chicago library. Bellow assisted Isaac Rosenfeld in its composition, and I could not find the original in any of Rosenfeld's books. Thus this is, as Ruth Wisse says, an oral tradition that she finally recorded on paper.
Desde Hoy, La Mi Madre old Spanish-Sephardic folk tune Judeo-spanish The song is addressed by a future bride to her mother. The young woman, wh
Di Ban (The Train) Yiddish
Di Blum Eliakum Tsunzer Yiddish Eliakum Zunser, was felt by many to have been the greatest Badkhan of all time, was a prolific writer and entertainer. He and his little brother were both Cantonists (Cantonists were drafted for 25 years into the Czar's army). When Czar Alexander abolished the 25 year conscriptions of Jews in 1860, abolished serfdom, and lifted residence restrictions, many Russian Jews had great hope for a better future (unfortunately Alexander would disappoint them in that hope within 2 years). Zunser wrote this song in which the Jewish people are characterized as a wilting flower on the road and Czar Alexander as an angel who rescued the poor flower. Zunser was a member of the Narodne Volye movement, a group containing many Jewish slavophiles including Eliezer Ben Yehuda. My grandmother, Sarah Kayleh Benjamin, a native of Streshin, Belarus used to sing this song, and recalled it as having been quite popular among Russian Jews at the turn of the century.
Di Fir Kashes (The Four Questions or Ma Nishtana) Di Fir Kashes from Passover English I nead Ma Nishtana in English it starts like this"Ma Nishtana hih laila heh zeh" I think. Here is a nice link which will provide what you need:
Di Gatnse Velt Iz a Teater English